I had permission. I knew I wanted it. My husband was looking on, and I was overcome with lust. I voice words to another that only my husband has ever heard.."cum in me"....and I get my wish.
27 years old, 5’9”, don’t know weight because I have stayed away from scales since overcoming my eating disorder. Somewhere around 160lbs. Every day is a struggle but I’m learning to love my body ever so slowly.
21 / F / 5'6 / 70Kg Overcoming insecurities about my labia (and stretchmarks/scars) is a work in progress, but I have encountered so much love for the uniqueness of the vagina lately and find myself less and less worried. I genuinely now feel as though mi
[F] 25/5'4/98lbs. My 1 year journey to overcome my bulimia had its ups and downs. To this day I still don't have 100% confidence about my body, but you guys are truly encouraging, and I appreciate it :)!