Image of a girl whom appears to be wearing some custom made, contacts lenses and a shirt that is incapable of keeping her enormous sweaty tits properly contained. [Trainer]
[Trainer] Photo of a slutty penguin girl and a wanna be gangster who is bearing a promiscuous haircut that looks suspiciously like that of a partly shaved poodle, as they prepare for their future career in whoredom at the the Carnival festival in Rio de J
[Trainer] A girl with exceptionally long socks and glazed crullers stuck to her hair moves her legs periodically in a way resembling the action of scissors on-top of another woman who is also wearing socks that are far too long for the gal. Concurrently e
images of Mei the girl with donuts in her hair attempting to teach a helpless man how to properly apply sunscreen, the poor man fails miserably. She then looks at him not in anger, no but with severe disappointment knowing the man and his meat-stick will
A poor redneck girl is weighed down by her waterlogged overalls and her parents disappointment, attempts to climb on top of a starfish to make it to the safety of the surface while the bastard offspring of a unicorn and a water snake overlooks the affair