Another cool girl showing how much she is worth and how superior is her inferiority. Thanks to the freedom brought by feminism, modern women can disguise their ineptitude and their inferiority with freedom. Modern women are inferior because they freely ch
The superior person (Man) doesn't need the inferior person (woman), so they don't need to get accepted by the inferior one. It's the inferior person that needs the superior one, so they need to convince the superior one to accept them. This is why women o
MD feminists: embrace your female biological inferiority; it's what makes you be recognized and desired as women by the superior Men you need and select. Also, if your Man has other wives as well as you in the house, you'll avoid boredom when performing y
As nations become more developed, wealthier, more feminist and there is more professional freedom in them, women no longer make money by way of their body due to criminal coercion, poverty, etc, but because they choose that way of making money and because
In reality women are superior, but they show themselves as inferior because it's their only way to get accepted by superior Men, and everybody knows superior women logically need superior Men's protection and support
To a superior Man women simply are these pathetic worthless human-like cumdumps. To inferior men that is absolutely degrading, disrespectful, unacceptable and simply unreal, which is what women want inferior men to think by means of feminism. But superior
The only genuinely and authentically happy woman is the woman accepted by a superior Man for her inferiority and for His inferior woman. Thanks to feminism, women have the freedom to submit their inferiority and dignity to superior Men, and the right to b
The truth of the assertion "women are inferior" is relative to context and conditional, this is why you can't say it that fast. If it is said by an inferior man, it is false; but if it is said by a superior Man, it is true.
Every woman, even a hypothetically superior one, could be used as a toilet. It's the fact that this is the best thing female inferiority can honestly contribute that makes women happy to be used as a toilet when it is by men that are superior
To women there's only one shameful, immoral & prejudicial thing they can do: to lower or degrade themselves to inferior men. female inferiority sees in superior men its best & due reward. This is y being degraded & mistreated by superior men i
The difference between Male & female genders is a superior man won't allow women to treat him as inferior bc of the actuality of his superiority, but a woman won't allow a man 2 treat her as inferior bc she can be treated as inferior by another man wh
So women's inferiority only has two interrelated, complementary goals in life: 1-Being mistreated by superior men; and 2-being given respect, social position, quotas, affirmative action, presidencies, money and feminism by inferior men
The Internet is helping feminists improve their skills at being accepted by the superior men their female inferiority needs to pick, but this is increasing inferior men's pressure on women as well, and this is why feminism needs to intensify its agenda ag
feminists only want to be mistreated by superior men and so to prevent inferior men from mistreating them. When women refuse to submit, it's not because it's indecent or immoral, but because the man they're supposed to submit to isn't superior
Dignity, that is, the fact of not being treated as inferior by somebody else oneself is not inferior to, is something female inferiority can logically have only concerning men that are inferior too. & this is why women see their submission to superior
It's already spring in the northern hemisphere and this year 2017 we have a more specific depiction of female nature's inferiority and of how do women use their inferiority to get accepted by superior men and to get respect, social status, affirmative act
Male superiority is the only attribute by means of which *not* treating women nicely becomes the way of seducing women. A woman is something an inferior man has to earn; a superior man is something a woman has to earn. It's not inconsiderateness that enab
So we can state that female inferiority is picky about men, so women's perfect utopia is that of being accepted for a relationship by the most superior man in the world; and male superiority isn't picky but promiscuous, and so its perfect utopia is a hare
So it's the fact that female carnal inferiority submits and offers itself because it needs to get accepted and taken by the superiority of superior men that makes inferior men think, given these men's mental inferiority, women want to be taken by inferior
A means is only superior if it produces its outcome. E.g, u only value ur car as long as it takes u 2 ur destination. female inferiority is women's means 4 superior men. So when women get their inferiority accepted by a man, the favor is being done 2 wome
This subreddit has stated many times that feminism isn't a women's movement of hate for men, but a women's movement of hate for inferior men. Here you have a feminist begging and loving to be hated by the superior man her inferiority loves
feminism has brainwashed inferior men into the idea that women are superior people oppressed and disempowered into a fictitious role of female inferiority by the Patriarchy. This subreddit has shown women are inferior people empowered to a fictitious role
The inferior female mind gets existentially defined by its deep secret need, love & desire for superior men, and its deep secret hate for inferior men. But no man should ever blame women for hypergamy, bc no man would ever want a daughter of his to ma
So women's necessity of being treated respectfully and like presidents by inferior men (that is, feminism) is logical to female inferiority's necessity of being accepted as inferior and in its inferiority by the superior men that are that female inferiori
So an inferior man wants a woman's body; a superior man wants a woman's consent, even her begging, & her happy will to get her degradation accepted by that superior man. Inferior men want women's body because they can't win their consent, and this is
So when women publish their nudes they don't mean they r like that 2 all men, but only 2 the superior men they try 2 interest by those pics. When women want 2 get respect & quotas from inferior men they don't post nudes, but they don't publish scienti
The fact that female inferiority wants to be treated like shit by superior men makes inferior men believe they can treat women like shit too, but inferior men are inferior too and so they're shit too, which is why women need feminism against inferior men
U wouldn't try 2 get accepted by another person by offering that person things or attributes of yours that personally enable u so in fact u don't need that person. women only submit their lack of capabilities 2 superior men