A bit of a random post but this sort of thing really annoys me, probably more than it should; how in the hell can these 2 models, who work for the same company, be 11 cup sizes and 2 band sizes apart? They look almost the same surely?
[IG] A collection of girls playfully holding pairs of things in a manner intended to draw attention to their breasts, sometimes while whimsically obscuring same to heighten the perceived tension between exposure and concealment
Jail makes you desperate. I was spending a year in the same prison that employs my father. He’s a guard. The weird thing is, he was no longer my dad and was now a big dicked guard who gave me what any incarcerated female needs. Dick. Lots of it.
20 Weeks Pregnant Update: My body is changing more every day, but one thing has stayed the same: I'm hornier, and feel sluttier than I ever have before! [Gallery in Comments]