So the justifying basis of the money, the quotas and the status of superiority women demand from inferior men, is the female inferiority women submit and pay to superior Men. inferior men pay the whores to superior Men; this is feminism
Only superior men logically know first-hand the actuality of women's inferiority. To women inferior men are like "social noise" women try to get useful things from (such as status, quotas, presidencies or money) via the institutionalisation of hypergamy a
Apparently the greatest indicator of the world's stability, wealth and safety is the status of women. I guess it means in the Third World women are mistreated against their will, but in the First World women beg superior Men to mistreat them. So, logicall
So women don't passively pay their inferiority to superior Men; every woman secretly runs the active seeking of a superior Man, and this seeking is even women's most important activity, even more important than trying to get respect, money, social status
So feminism has 2 cores incompatible to each other: 1-equality, the definitional core, which feminists use for getting social status, quotas and money from inferior men; 2-freedom of choice, i.e the possibility of getting out of equality, to submit to sup
During the 1800s being able to hire a french maid was seen as a status symbol and slightly poorer upper-class families who couldn't afford to bring a girl over from France would sometimes pay a local maid to pretend to be French.
It's already spring in the northern hemisphere and this year 2017 we have a more specific depiction of female nature's inferiority and of how do women use their inferiority to get accepted by superior men and to get respect, social status, affirmative act
In order to get its demands for respect, affirmative action, quotas, presidencies, status of superiority and money from inferior men fulfilled female inferiority uses feminism. In order to get accepted by superior men female inferiority uses less feminist
MD feminists: u need feminism for getting respect, social status, affirmative action, presidencies and money from inferior men, but u need it too for pleasing superior men. To a superior man, it's sexier if the woman submitting to him is a feminist
The media are getting it wrong; the main concern here isn't the rise of new thoughts on masculinity, but the new status of the awareness of women attempting to get from inferior men the femini$m they should b demanding from the superior men their female i
So "no slut-shaming" is what feminists demand from inferior men so feminists can keep receiving respect, money, status, quotas and presidencies from inferior men no matter what feminists themselves do by night for the superior men their female inferiority
women try to seduce superior men by implying other men are inferior to those superior men. women try to get respect, social status, quotas, affirmative action, presidencies, money and feminism from inferior men by implying other men are superior to those
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