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superior female pictures and galleries

In short: female beauty simply is the superiority of female inferiority. Here you have a feminist being beautiful

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"Come on, is all this shit serious?", the inferior man asks. Yeah, this subreddit is fantasy; everybody knows real life women prefer inferior men, cause their female superiority doesn't need superior Men

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Another feminist showing off her female superiority (in order to get accepted and validated by a superior Man)

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feminism is utterly erratic: it defends gender-equality, but it defends female freedom too; what if a woman freely prefers a Superior Man?. I know real life women normally prefer inferior men, but what if a woman freely chooses a Superior Man?.

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Do you know why do feminists prefer to live with superior Men that will consider them and treat them as inferior, over living as superior women with inferior men or on their own? Because that's their best choice given their actual female inferiority

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So the justifying basis of the money, the quotas and the status of superiority women demand from inferior men, is the female inferiority women submit and pay to superior Men. inferior men pay the whores to superior Men; this is feminism

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women are so inferior that they're only cool if they're cool to superior Men. A superior Man's acceptance is the greatest achievement a woman can aspire to in her inferior female existence. A woman's superiority is the superiority of the Man she manages t

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The lesser female brain can't get porn industry isn't about Male misogyny but female hypergamy. This porn scene isn't meaning Men are misogynous and mistreat women; it means women are hypergamous and need superior Men. Female watchers enjoy this painful a

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So since inferiority is definitional to the female gender, then inferiority can't be seen as simple "inferiority" or "worthlessness", but as the "female qualification"; that is, the greater her inferiority, the greater and more superior the woman (to a su

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Since own pain, degradation and self-destruction is the only contribution the unproductive and useless female inferiority can make in order to please a man, and since a superior Man is female inferiority's best option, then women only enjoy being mistreat

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MD feminists: remember that female bisexuality and female polygyny are part of female sexiness and beauty to the superior Men your female inferiority chooses

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So this subreddit is not about female inferiority and worthlessness as a negative quality (offensive misogyny), but about female inferiority and worthlessness as the quality of sexiness, sexiness meaning "existence based and depending on superior Men" (er

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I know many women, despite preferring superior Men, aren't familiar with the female behavior described here. The reason is the greater the Male superiority, the rarer statistically it is, so many women haven't found the superior Man they want to be a cook

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The submission of own pain by women 2 the superior men female inferiority prefers is a working method bc it proves female inferiority doesn't have a better way of achieving its most important goals. Plus this makes pain a method important & valuable 2

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The female body is not beautiful in itself, but its authentic beauty only exists when it's offered by the woman as her gift to a man, and then the female body's true beauty is a meaning: the meaning that that man receiving her body is superior, cause that

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feminists' greatest ambition in life as female and as inferior is to get accepted by a superior man in spite of their female inferiority

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Another whore who doesn't like being called a whore flaunting her female superiority, which is her superiority at pleasing and getting accepted by a superior Man

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women know their inferiority is real, but they only go real for real, superior Men. Only when a woman finds a superior Man (who's her female inferiority's best option) she happily shows off the superiority of her inferiority as the perfection of her infer

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This is the real female "superiority". And real superior men only accept real "superior" women.

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Males will compete against each other so they can fuck all the females. females will compete against each other so they can get fucked by the most superior Male

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So there you have it. Inferiority is the fundamental female make up. It's inferiority that makes up female perfection, qualifiedness and superiority. It's inferiority that makes up femininity and femaleness themselves. It's inferiority that makes up the s

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So since the inferior person (woman) needs the superior person (superior Man) and the superior person doesn't need the inferior one, then women's inferiority precisely and exactly need a superior Man who doesn't need female inferiority and so women themse

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So yes, freedom is the perfect disguise for female inferiority. feminism wasn't even interested in equality of rights; it secretly wanted freedom and quotas for disguising female inferiority and allowing women to choose only Superior Men. Well played, fem

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MD feminists, this woman's day is a good day to remember that your greatest aspiration in life as females is that of being accepted and treated accordingly to the actuality and biologicality of your inferiority by the superior men that are your female inf

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Everybody wants to show off how wonderful & superior they are. The only superiority women (i.e, female inferiority) can prove is how superior & wonderful they r at being inferior fuckmeat. This is y women choose superior men and reject inferior me

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Within our concept frame, we can easily state that the basic gift female inferiority contributes superior men is a "differential gift", consisting in the simple female behavior of not getting angry when the superior man mistreats her, like she would get a

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In order to get its demands for respect, affirmative action, quotas, presidencies, status of superiority and money from inferior men fulfilled female inferiority uses feminism. In order to get accepted by superior men female inferiority uses less feminist

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A superior man is the only happy goal of female inferiority in life. This fact is so essential, definitional and genetic to the inferior female nature that we can state that if all men were *EXACTLY* the same, withouth the slightest differences among them

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wymyn prove superior men their female inferiority via facts, and they prove inferior men their female superiority via quotas, affirmative action and feminism. (Everybody can prove they can make a sandwich via facts)

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MD feminists: anal is a good sexual method cause it makes it clear to the superior men your female inferiority needs and prefers that sex is the only unfake benefit your female inferiority can contribute (since anal pain is no benefit to yourself) and so

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Given superior men don't need superior women & so they only accept inferior women, 2 superior men female carnal attributes aren't sexy per se (boobs are just boobs & women show them at the gynecologist's office), but only as long as women offer th

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So women's necessity of being treated respectfully and like presidents by inferior men (that is, feminism) is logical to female inferiority's necessity of being accepted as inferior and in its inferiority by the superior men that are that female inferiori

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MD feminists: it is always advisable to train and develop the skills that make your femaleness, that is, your inferiority, perfect and superior, in order to get accepted by the superior men your inferiority and femaleness need and prefer

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Although female inferiority can only make contributions that r inferior & useless 2 superior men, they're the best female inferiority can contribute, so women want superior men 2 value & regard women's inferior offerings (of women's own suffering)

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women want to be like worthless shit to superior men (so they get their female inferiority accepted by the best men). Then they want to be like presidents to inferior men because feminism (so they get their female inferiority paid with the best wages)

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If female inferiority's hypergamy can b defined as female inferiority's preference 4 superior men, it can b defined too as fem. inferiority's hatred 4 inferior men, i.e, feminism. So feminism is the institutionalization of female hypergamy, so its logical

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