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The Superior Men feminists prefer consider women are just degradeable fuck-meat objects for male amusement. This is a subreddit about women who freely and empoweredly prefer and choose Superior Men and being inferior amusement objects for those Superior M

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So women basically are superior man-seeking trash. So they are trash; & so, to superior men, there's no need to regard or pursue women as if they were something superior to trash. Although superior men are superior and so they don't need superior wome

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women are so inferior that this is the best success and the best thing they can make a man win: their surrender, submission and pain

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women's studies says it's disrespect only if you do it without her consent. Turns out this implies it is not disrespect if you do it with her consent. So this axiom is the secret back door women's studies keeps for protecting equality defenders' preferenc

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MD Gentlemen: it's not women gifting you their inferiority; it's you gifting women your superiority. A Superior Man doesn't have to convince women to have sex with Him; women have to convince Him to have sex with them.

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Inferiority is linked to need. Inferior women need Superior Men. women need Superior Men because women are inferior. You won't see many women preferring inferior men. Men, however, prefer inferior women.

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Women have dignity and respectability, who says they don't. It's only that their dignity and respectability are relative, flexible, depending on whether she's interested in him or not. Probably a survival strategy.

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Being superior is great. Given his superiority, a superior man wouldn't need any superior woman (if she existed), so he only accepts inferior women. So his is like a win-win position: either he feels no desire for a given woman, or she is a worthless piec

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Only superior Men are good and worth enough for demanding and making their acceptance conditional on women's greatest and best efforts and qualities. Only superior Men know the reality of women.

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Time 2 introduce healthy feminism vs toxic feminism. Toxic feminism brainwashes women into the idea that they authentically r as superior as men, although despite this female superiority men manage to oppress women so female athletes run slower or fem. sc

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I know many women, despite preferring superior Men, aren't familiar with the female behavior described here. The reason is the greater the Male superiority, the rarer statistically it is, so many women haven't found the superior Man they want to be a cook

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So when women want a superior Man, they accordingly know they want a Man women themselves will have to convince and beg to. This is why women only strive to convince and beg superior Men

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women have always preferred the best, most superior Male genes, to the species' benefit. Only that different internet's sources, among which this humble little known subreddit is, are helping future female generations gain a greater awareness about it

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This is the only way women can get to be accepted by the superior Men they prefer: for their female inferiority. Logically, women will only admit their inferiority to superior Men.

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So, sorry MD feminists, but not agreeing with the superior Men you prefer's concept that women are inferior is not sexy to those superior Men you prefer. Superior Men, thanks to their superiority, only accept women who accept and worship their Male superi

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"Women never take the first step...", inferior men say.

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women give superior Men for free what inferior men have to beg for (or pay for)

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women aren't inferior and unworthy because they perform inferior and unworthy jobs; they perform inferior and unworthy jobs because they are inferior and unworthy.

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Women are not that stupid: at least, they managed to get inferior men's respect after all.

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Women are Best in Pairs

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Women deserve the treatment that matches their class and rank

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Decent honorable women prefer inferior, respectful, feminist men who think women are more than simple fuckmeat, they're as superior as men and have better things to offer than their bodies. Real life women, on the other hand, prefer superior men

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So the reason why women want to be treated like respectable superior people by inferior men via feminism isn't that women are superior, but that being treated like the inferior worthless dump meat women are is the only thing women can contribute superior

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So since the inferior person (woman) needs the superior person (superior Man) and the superior person doesn't need the inferior one, then women's inferiority precisely and exactly need a superior Man who doesn't need female inferiority and so women themse

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"women never take the first step"... inferior men say

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Women are not qualified enough for getting authentic male attention and interest in other different ways.

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Inferiority & superiority are relative: for an inferior person to exist, there needs to exist a superior person too. This is why the fact that women are just inferior human garbage to superior men does NOT make women inferior human garbage in an absol

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Gents: the /r/MD version of women's definition "superior man-pursuing inferior fuckmeat" includes the "superior man-pursuing" clause as much as the "inferior fuckmeat" one. Pickiness (due to inferiority) defines women too, which is why women behave like p

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female inferiority's hypergamy's methods can b really subtle: superior men treating women bad subtly results in women treating superior men 'well'; which in turn subtly results in women treating inferior men 'bad'; which subtly results in inferior men ele

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women perfectly know their position in life; and that position is not next to inferior men

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You will never hear any of those male supremacy fighting feminists say she prefers men that aren't superior to herself. However, superior men prefer women that are just inferior fuck meat. Superiority is superiority; inferiority is inferiority

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Superior men's female inferior fuckmeat wants to be inferior men's president. After all, what on Earth could one ever expect from a movement, feminism, run by women?

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women's life passes off between 2 goals: 1)Getting their inferiority accepted by superior men (freedom of choice feminism); 2)Denying their inferiority to inferior men (gender equality feminism). Affirmative action, female presidencies... r just forms of

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Although female inferiority can only make contributions that r inferior & useless 2 superior men, they're the best female inferiority can contribute, so women want superior men 2 value & regard women's inferior offerings (of women's own suffering)

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women want to be like worthless shit to superior men (so they get their female inferiority accepted by the best men). Then they want to be like presidents to inferior men because feminism (so they get their female inferiority paid with the best wages)

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Everybody wants 2 show off how good they r. Since women r inferior, women choose superior men that think women r inferior so women can prove how good they r at being inferior; & they reject inferior men that think women r superior so women don't need

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