That was much better thanks for making me feel better. I hope you enjoy this picture the more likes , comments, and tributes i get the faster ill post more ;-p
7000 members :) wow the support you guys give me has blown me away... to celebrate here is two of me :) to my reddit lovers old and new thanks so much and say please hi below or ask me any burning questions you may have :)
Just received my first offline tips EVER!! ๖ in Bitcoin!! Most of that was anonymous. I don't know who you are, but thank you VERY much, you made my night. <3 See comments for more details!
Another cool girl showing how much she is worth and how superior is her inferiority. Thanks to the freedom brought by feminism, modern women can disguise their ineptitude and their inferiority with freedom. Modern women are inferior because they freely ch
Past feminists were coerced slaves; modern feminists are willing slaves. Thanks feminism for giving freedom to the female brain and helping women so much. But please don't advocate freedom for underage children too, because their lack of knowledge will ge
feminists love to express how much they enjoy and love anal. Thanks to feminism and to the sex and Patriarchy workers feminism has always defended and supported, human sex has gradually progressed toward a more egalitarian sex
What is this image from??? I know it's from Melkor Mancin artist I just need to know what specific comic. Also if you could include a link that would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
I'm so very lucky to have a daddy who does so very much to make me feel loved and supported. Daddy is the light or my life and I don't know what I would have done without his endless love this past month. Thank you daddy