University of Southern Florida update -- Florida has a great value proposition for hookers, but many of them are drug-addled and present-oriented to the extent that it's worth hiding everything of worth before they enter the room, lest they grab whatever
College athletes. Some are good looking and some are heifers. It's hard to outrun the feedbag. Fortunately most women want at times to be perceived as sex objects by the right guy and these photos are the fruits of that desire. Never underestimate the pow
it was intense enough when she stopped taking birth. but now she makes you keep track of when she's most fertile and then she fuck him and only him during that time. Bareback
Skylar Saint Claire; you know, for a character that canonically got expelled for fucking and extorting her professors, you'd think there'd be more smut drawn of her (Ganassa) [The Saboteur]
It's very strange that "the birds and the bees" became a euphemism for talking about sex. (M)any birds don't even have external genitalia, and I'm probably not unique in having no idea how bees fuck
That necklace cost you over a grand and put you in serious debt; so you'd recognise it anywhere. So seeing your girlfriend wear it while being mercilessly fucked by your asshole neighbor stung all the more.
It's very strange that "the birds and the bees" became a euphemism for talking about sex. Many birds don't even have external genitalia, and I'm probably not unique in having no idea how bees fuck