The girls who weren't good enough to make the cheerleading team were offered a different job in the shower room. no training or prior experience required. [thebdsmme]
The female body is not beautiful in itself, but its authentic beauty only exists when it's offered by the woman as her gift to a man, and then the female body's true beauty is a meaning: the meaning that that man receiving her body is superior, cause that
Offering this bra for free to the first person who will buy a premade video today ! :D It will have my perfume on it and a note with a kiss! more info inside!
Offering myself up as a sacrifical lamb to the cock gods for a coating. Send me or post proof that I made you cam and ill share pics in private with you where you can get a clear view of my face for next time
The first known depiction of a heart as a symbol of romantic love dates to the 1250s. It occurs in a French manuscript, where a kneeling lover offers his heart to a damsel. The heart resembles a pine-cone (the point facing upward), in accord with medieval
The blonde Bounty Hunter considered herself a patriotic American. But when the Al Nehezera Sultanate offered her a fortune to kidnap their outspoken dissident Feminist exile and return her in slavery to her Homeland, the Hunter knew that fancy business su