So should her former sexual partner count matter? We're bringing r/MD's principle on this again: to a superior man, the only thing she can do for her former sexual partner count to not matter is that she degrades herself for that new superior man more tha
The Patriarchy's women gave their husbands sex in exchange for money. Modern feminists do the exact same thing, sex for money, only they beg for it because feminism defends their freedom to do it, thus rendering the Patriarchy non-oppressive. feminism alw
So I did not know Pole Vaulters are the hottest women ever till they came to town. Turns out one of the hottest and best is from my town.. Sandi Morris Annika Newall Sophie Guttermuth were the showstoppers, honestly pictures just do not do these girls jus
So women do "inferior favors" (to superior men) for earning the things they need because their female gender's inferiority is unable to produce important achievements for earning those things. Here you have more feminist IQ & qualifiedness earning mon
So the liberator grid headboard is 跥. I figured I could make my own version with blackjack and hookers for cheaper. All in it was 赀, is probably better made, doesn’t use velcro to attach to the ladder looking thing, and could be as lrg as I wanted i