[F/27] Alright, you got me. I'm a valkyrie in disguise, here to collect the souls of fallen men. Look into my eyes, and you'll fall to your knees. Then your soul belongs to me, and to my Odin
My love letter to you. you who treated me so well when I was stood up, and then you who honored me with my visage in the banner. I give you an album entitled "The doctor will see you now."
After driving mom to the fifth clothing store in a row I say I'm bored of shopping. Mom decides to give me a little bribe. "You can only look at them for five seconds" Mom says. "And then you have to drive me to another mall. Deal?"
If we went on a date (first date) and i wore a dress that was quite see through (no bra), would you tell me about it then? Or would you message me after i got home? Or would you tell me at all?
My friend's, last best idea to get me to quit being Mormon for good was to leave me alone with his wife. She (f30) opened my (m25[then]) mind by opening her legs. God bless them for all the wise, worldly ways they showed me
Well, hubby, I _would_ tell my ex boyfriend to stop kicking you around. But he told me that if he doesn't get to pound you, then he won't keep pounding _me_. So...say hi to him for me next time he steals your wallet.