34F / 5'4" / 125lbs -- I can normally hide it with clothes, but there's no hiding when nude! Lack of tone, no butt, & saggy chest. I'm going to start exercising. Wish me luck!
24/M/~6'1 before: ~250(not my worst) after: 198 - made huge strides. My beard this morning was a mess and mak9ng a dumb face but... I'm done losing weight. Now to tone up and bulk up!
30 [M]. day 0. I have been out of shape for 5 years, I'm going to start getting toned up, I hate how skinny I've become. I saw this form and looks perfect for motivation to actually follow through
Update: 25/M/5'10, 207-> 178 pounds The aim was six pack abs, but along the way ive found a new love for running and now the results are just a side benefit. Comments and feedback for toning welcome!
18 f/5"2/50 kgs/ Former athlete. I used to be 45kg, all lean and muscle and I know 5kgs isn't that much and I still look okay, but I just have troubles accepting the fact that I have gained weight and I've lost my lean and muscular tone and won't be able