She's not thinking about money, or her job, her friends, her obligations, or her responsibilities. She's not thinking. She's totally in the moment, his cock in her ass, her head underfoot. It's very zen. In submission, she's found Nirvana.
He is her total master and daddy, and she could not ask for more. please take her to the place where she truly belongs at his feet, in his presence, in his chains. ~his renee~
She was, reluctantly, learning her place. [femsub] [today has been super maledom orientated.] [Totally coincidence, but lucky if you're into it I guess.] [If you're not, it ok, wholesome stuff tomorrow.]
I entered a chat as a Dom once, but I started to talk with a much more Dom guy than me lol. He totally fucked up my mind and not even a week later i was the one dressing like this for him. Gotta admit I got scared and ran away...still have the picture tho