
try search us gay gay on or or or duckduckgo

us gay gay pictures and galleries

"And here we have Joe the Carpenter, showing us how to use a hand saw..."

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My Big Balls [30yo, gay, slutty]

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Being gay and having a 4.5 incher isn't fun, I feel like nobody will stay with me

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I heard I should post here (30/m/gay, pms welcome!)

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In celebration of our 1000 landmark, I shall henceforth provide us with more pics regularly

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Asian men aren't always portrayed very flatteringly in the US media. So here's to making up for it. Some of these are nsfw. [NSFW]

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If we get 1000 people to subscribe to the gaysian subreddit, Deus0 will do a strip tease for us.

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When gay sex turns into Bi sex..

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After getting hit on at the gay bar, I can’t wait to suck a guy off and give him a pounding.

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It's not gay if you can take a huge sausage in the hole

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"Relax my little Spider. We would be honored if you would release your seed for us"

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