The superior person (Man) doesn't need the inferior person (woman), so they don't need to get accepted by the inferior one. It's the inferior person that needs the superior one, so they need to convince the superior one to accept them. This is why women o
Remember that this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody, feminists included, knows that real life women are as superior as Men and so they need no superior Man and they're strong and superior Man-independent, this is why they only accept and prefer inferi
Inferior feminist men think women are superior. women think otherwise and this is why they prefer superior Men, who are women's best choice, and so they despise inferior men's inferiority (which is women's worst choice and so the only thing women can be v
women are so inferior the only unfake benefit they can contribute men is the proof of women themselves not being the ones gaining any benefit. This is why women contribute their pain & degradation to the superior men their female inferiority needs &am
Whether women are inferior or not is not an absolute thing, but it depends on whether we compare women to superior men or inferior men. This is why women need feminism so they don't get treated as inferior by men that are inferior too
[F,20] This is from work last night - I’m the one in the middle with no tattoos lol. Maybe now you can see why I get self conscious at work bc all of my dancer friends are so gorgeous