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Challa (Hebrew: חלה) is a traditional Jewish bread made with egg based dough usually prepared in a braided loaf. [wikipedia]

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The circular blue and white BMW logo or roundel evolved from the circular Rapp Motorenwerke company logo, from which the BMW company grew, combined with the blue and white colors of the flag of Bavaria. [ ]

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In ancient Rome, Os impurum, "filthy mouth" or "impure mouth", was a term of abuse especially for those who provided oral sex. [Wikipedia "Sexuality in ancient Rome"]

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Snooker is played using a cue and 22 snooker balls: one white cue ball, 15 red balls worth one point each, and six balls of different colours: yellow (2 points), green (3), brown (4), blue (5), pink (6) and black (7). [Wikipedia]

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To preserve the pretannin tea without requiring it all to be poured into cups, a second teapot may be used. The steeping pot is best unglazed earthenware [wikipedia]

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Drums made with alligator skins have been found in Neolithic cultures located in China, dating to a period of 5500–2350 BC. [wikipedia]

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Most modern rope bondage techniques derive from the erotic Japanese bondage art form of shibari, which was in turn developed from the now-defunct Japanese military restraint technique of hojōjutsu. [wikipedia]

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The word "Tennis" came into use in English in the mid-13th century from Old French, via the Anglo-Norman term "Tenez", which can be translated as "hold!" [wikipedia]

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"Blue and white wares" (Chinese: 青花; pinyin: qīng-huā; literally "Blue flowers") designate white pottery and porcelain decorated under the glaze with a blue pigment, generally cobalt oxide. [wikipedia]

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In France, there are esoteric wine label laws such as "Unless the wine is from a Premier Cru vineyard, the vineyard name must be printed in characters no more than half the height of the ones used for the village name" [wikipedia]

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People playing with bubbles can be seen as far back as 17th century English paintings [wikipedia]

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Skiing is a mode of transport, recreational activity and competitive winter sport in which the participant uses skis to glide on snow. [Wikipedia]

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Early Automobiles didn't have steering wheels and instead used tillers much like a small sail boat. [wikipedia]

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This well known chain of coffee houses was originally going to be named "Pequod" after the ship in Moby Dick, however they decided against that name and instead chose the name of the ships first mate "Starbuck" [Wikipedia]

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Agoraphobia occurs about twice as commonly among women as it does in men. [wikipedia]

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TIL "secret photography" has its own entry in Wikipedia [Coco Pommel][solo] (artist: niggerfaggot)

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Another feminist using hypergamy for getting money, requests for autographs and Wikipedia pages from inferior men, maybe even a future presidency

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