A different kind of post: There are various anatomical structures that can be felt or seen from the outside of your body; here is a naughty album so you can learn where they are! (Moderator permission was gained for this) [/r/gwbooks]
“Whenever you squander attention on something that doesn’t put your brain through its paces and stimulate change, your mind stagnates a little and life feels dull.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life
The oldest known image of hair braiding was traced back to a burial site during the first dynasty of Pharaoh Menes. It was a means of communication so that you could distinguish a wealth of information about another, whether they were married, mourning, o
Anal sex is not easy to master when you haven’t done it before. For a man it may seem straight forward -- in, out -- but it isn’t this simple. If you're not very careful, if you don’t warm her up properly, if you don’t go slowly enough, you will probably
Optimal wine storage is right around 12°C/55°F. You want to shoot for consistent temperatures, as dramatic temperature fluctuations will also negatively impact a stored bottle of wine. Ideal humidity is between 65-75%. [http://wine.about.com/od/storingwin
If you have extra range of motion, you must keep your joints limber through regular stretching, or some of that ability may be lost as you age. [HowStuffWorks, "Can you really be double-jointed?"]
Mobile phone antennas are designed to project a signal in a donut shape, perpendicular to the long axis of the antenna. If you are holding your phone in a strange way, such as on its side or upside down, you will hinder the operation of the antenna. [wiki
If you’re experiencing normal or increased desires, sex and masturbation shouldn’t be an issue during a low-risk pregnancy. Your doctor will advise you on whether vaginal penetration and orgasm are a problem. [http://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/ma