Slowly he fucks my arse, pushing himself in and out of me. The sensation is so intense. I feel like my inner slut has finally been freed, and I revel in her carnal abandonment; throwing my head back while Mike rides me like an animal.
The traditionalist submissive woman posts her endless praises to the superiority of the Male Sex on r/RedPillWomen, while a former Feminist SJW blogger serves as her obedient footrest; having been broken in to abandon her silly ideas of equality.
The Social Justice Warrior pleads and whimpering promises to abandon all her false beliefs about gender equality, if the excruciatingly painful caning of her rump will only end.
Due to unforseen safety conditions, production has stopped on my new tv series "Abandoned in Amazonia" I will be filing a lawsuit against the Matriarchy government for failing to provide adequate protection.