
try search and i was like on or or or duckduckgo

and i was like pictures and galleries

The first video that made me realize I was into this (Source in comments)

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Oops! Looks like that was a stroke too far...

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[Trainer] Photo of a slutty penguin girl and a wanna be gangster who is bearing a promiscuous haircut that looks suspiciously like that of a partly shaved poodle, as they prepare for their future career in whoredom at the the Carnival festival in Rio de J

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[Trainer] Shauna and like a bunch of dicks

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Found this gem on /r/WTF. Posted on /r/BDSM, was told y'all might like it. (BIG dick might be an understatement.) [NSFW]

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I was told you'd like me here, too (x/post from r/curvy)

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I Realized How Rude It Was Of Me To Never Post A Pic Of My GF. She's 22 (I'm 37). Taken Last Night. I Should Also Probably Take Down My Christmas Tree. If You Like It I'll Post More.

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I was told you guys would like this ;)

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Work sucks, train was late, but coming home to a live-in cow makes it all worth while

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This was languishing in r/bustyamateurasians and I thought it deserved some more exposure

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Kurea Hasumi 蓮実 クレア (Mega Album) - One of my favorites because she is the exact image of an ex who was bat-shit crazy and maybe even more of a nympho

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[pics] Dontcha wish your fucktoy was hot like me?

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[pics] was told I should post here, hope you like! ;)

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[pics] Was told I should post here, but I feel like I'm probably bigger than most of the other gorgeous ladies here... So tell me: Do I fit in?

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Playing with myself just like I was told to do

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Someone was hungry...

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Looks like he was saving up all week for her to finish him off

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I was told that you guys may like my album :)

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I was told you guys might like me here.. (X-post /r/ladybonersgw)

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I was told to post here. How do you girls like this Ginger?

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KLL Miley Cyrus if she was italian and had bigger boobs

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Do you like the socks? BW or Color? (If only I was not distracted with the rest!)

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I was told you'd like me in my [F]reshly washed scrubs (: nice to meet you all!

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I tried to come up with a clever title and all I got was: Jump rhymes with hump and "pump a dump in my rump"...anyways here's a hot guy in his underwear jumping rope outside.

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[x-post GW] I was told y'all might like this...tell me if they were wrong

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Hey! I was told y'all might like this over here ♥ [X-Pst r/altgonewild]

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First post, I was told you guys would like it. Whaddya think?(;

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Now one for the complainer who said my hair was too lightly colored. Now that I fullfiled everyone's demands am I allowed to post a photo that I like and want to post?!

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"Hey Son, say hi to your father", said my mommy when i walked in on her like this with my bully brutalizing her sex. I was not surprised as I rubbed him wrong earlier today. Mommy said we should both call him Daddy from now and they are working hard on gi

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[27] His cock was below average by an inch or so and still dwarfed mine like Goliath

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My wife says the guy in this photo (on R) looks just like her first boyfriend, Tony -- especially his cock. She said when Tony was flaccid he never got smaller than this, and then told me to create a comparison of me when soft - so here it is! Most embarr

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My husband took this while I was asleep. He thinks you chasers will like it.

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[18] [F] I love my striped thigh highs, guessing you do now too! And I think I have a nice booty, wish it was bigger, but it seems to get the job done. No complaints yet at least. =P

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I posted a picture in this a few days ago and it got some appreciation.I was thinking that maybe you’d like a gif too!

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Bunnygirl Senpai's butt! Do you like bunnysuits? This one was so tight and smooth, a pleasure to wear! :D [by Kerocchi] (Mai Sakurajima from SeishunButa)

Show picture I'm live right now! Get me naked like I was before ❤

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