she has the freedom to be objectified. feminism criticizes objectification, but it should criticize only the fact of a woman being objectified *against her free will*; i.e. feminism should only criticize the act of not respecting female free will. Another
So real sex is women hurting, degrading, mistreating and destroying themselves to amuse and pleasure a superior Man. Real sex is women sacrificing and destroying the only thing their female inferiority can deny inferior men, their dignity and respectabili
feminism is a fantasy used to establish an artificial and political gender equality, so it only applies in the government policies, in companies and businesses, and in the streets. No point in creating feminism as something to be applied in the sheets
Inferior feminist men think women are superior. women think otherwise and this is why they prefer superior Men, who are women's best choice, and so they despise inferior men's inferiority (which is women's worst choice and so the only thing women can be v
Every feminist needs to see covered and solved the question of getting accepted by a superior Man for her actual inferiority. Only then she'll show herself to the society as a conceited superior feminist that treats inferior men like the same shit she is
It's the inferior one that needs the superior one, not the other way around. It's the inferior one that desires & loves, and that desires & loves to be desired & loved. It's the woman that loves and loves to be loved. Only the woman's love is
So only actual female inferiority is sexy; fake inferiority is fake and u don't want a fake dollar. A man whose wife is superior or not inferior 2 him but pretends she's inferior to him isn't sexy, it's ridiculous & pathetic. Only the authenticity of