The perfect way of gaining inferior men's interest is saying bad, offensive and degrading things about them; but, Maledom ladies, if you want to be accepted by a Superior Man, you better talk very nice things about Him.
It doesn't matter if you're an inferior person and so you can only contribute humble and inferior things to earn acceptance by another superior person your inferiority logically prefers. The IMPORTANT AND DECENT thing is your will and intention to contrib
The thing inferior men won't understand (given their very inferiority & inexperience) is that the funny thing is not the act itself of mistreating a woman; the funny thing is the fact itself of that woman wishing you to mistreat her because you are a
So the sole female body's curves aren't sexy by themselves; the sexy thing is that those curves are the best thing female inferiority can offer. Inferiority, not curves, is the sexy thing
When a feminist begs a superior man to mistreat her, the only things he gets out of that mistreatment are her pain and degradation, which are useless, and so inferior, things. Therefore it's the feminist the one gaining the main & greatest benefit out
Stupid people do stupid things. But stupid things make stupid people as well. It's a bidirectional thing, only the second direction is less obvious and a bit subtler
Bought this because it looks cool. Not really into any Kink / BDSM scenes. What's this supposed to be used for exactly and what are fun things to do with it? I'm sure you all know more than me. Thanks! I think it's made of PVC or Vinyl, and the only thing