women r open 2 polygyny, but only with superior Men. If a woman wants sex once in a month & a superior Man wants sex 30 times in a month, then if He has 30 wives they'll all live happy about sex. Polygyny is the most natural & stablest marriage. A
women are so inferior that they're only cool if they're cool to superior Men. A superior Man's acceptance is the greatest achievement a woman can aspire to in her inferior female existence. A woman's superiority is the superiority of the Man she manages t
women have always preferred the best, most superior Male genes, to the species' benefit. Only that different internet's sources, among which this humble little known subreddit is, are helping future female generations gain a greater awareness about it
women know their inferiority is real, but they only go real for real, superior Men. Only when a woman finds a superior Man (who's her female inferiority's best option) she happily shows off the superiority of her inferiority as the perfection of her infer