Smart modern feminists know the social cliché that it's bad to be abused and mistreated just to male sexual enjoyment is something inferior men say so women don't submit to superior men. she's proud she's in charge of her sexuality and likes sex as much a
Honestly I like to see my posts cause bad subscribers to leave, cause I think some people are not getting something: this subreddit is only intended for superior Men who think women are inferior, and for women who admit their female inferiority to superio
Too loose to be worth much, too tight to be a proper slave. Tell me how worthless I am; tell me how badly you'd treat me and stretch out my slutty holes.
In poor countries women prostitute themselves to earn money; they are unwilling, false, bad whores. In First World's countries of wealth, of freedom, of professional choices and of feminism women earn money to prostitute themselves; they're willing, good,
female inferiority's hypergamy's methods can b really subtle: superior men treating women bad subtly results in women treating superior men 'well'; which in turn subtly results in women treating inferior men 'bad'; which subtly results in inferior men ele
Despite being raised by Reverend Camden to reject Bad Boys who disrespect women, Ruthie's natural feminine biology caused her resistance to wither under the brute domination of the misogynist Bikers. Darwin triumphed over Christian Family Values