True fact: female sexuality is more fluid than men's. So no matter how straight she *thinks* she is, she'll eat pussy if it pleases you, and she'll love it.
The desire to please. That's the basis of submission. Look how much she craves that touch. What a monster I'd be if I didn't give her a chance to serve and please me. To force her to always be my equal. That would be selfish of me.
MD feminists: a "feministjob" is sexier than a handjob. It's when you use a feminist instead of your hand. So you can use feminism for pleasing your superior man too, as well as for getting respect, social status, quotas, presidencies and money from infer
Past feminists were coerced slaves; modern feminists are willing slaves. Thanks feminism for giving freedom to the female brain and helping women so much. But please don't advocate freedom for underage children too, because their lack of knowledge will ge