The festival slut getting fingered made me so horny, I made an album. Seems like chicks don't care when and where, s'long as they can get fingered. Please feel free to add what I missed.
It looks like Reddit's owners are maneuvering so they can ban this subreddit (very possibly), so the fun might end soon. If they banned this subreddit, Reddit's owners would prove that managing the neutrality and the freedom they say they defend is too mu
Some men thing women are their prettiest when they've achieved flawless perfection of makeup and outfit. I think they're prettiest when they're messy and covered in drool and cum.
It's nice to hear ladies say they're sub and feminist, because it means they consider you are respecting their feminism when you treat them like this...
Remember that this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody, feminists included, knows that real life women are as superior as Men and so they need no superior Man and they're strong and superior Man-independent, this is why they only accept and prefer inferi
Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason is blows are painful when they're given by inferior men, but they turn pleasurable when they're given by superior Men. Yes, female sexuality is more... complex
Inferior feminist men think women are superior. women think otherwise and this is why they prefer superior Men, who are women's best choice, and so they despise inferior men's inferiority (which is women's worst choice and so the only thing women can be v
I love when they invent they were abused or they can't choose another job or they were forced into it for justifying they just love it. feminism's ways are mysterious.
So women simply and logically are superior man-pursuing (& inferior man-hating) inferior fuckmeat. Since inferior men are inferior, they don't get pursued by women, but they're the ones pursuing women instead, which empowers women with worth, importan
So women are just inferior people whose inferiority has 2 consequences: 1-They need and prefer superior men & so they're picky; 2-They can only contribute their unproductive inferior existence, that is, they can only offer their submission, degradatio