So why doesn't 'Fifty shades' movie show Ana having an orgasm? For 2 reasons: 1º) Because 'Fifty shades' is not a Sci-fi movie; and 2º) because the point of Maledom is *MALE PLEASURE*, emphasized and asserted by female displeasure and pain
Inferiority & superiority are relative: for an inferior person to exist, there needs to exist a superior person too. This is why the fact that women are just inferior human garbage to superior men does NOT make women inferior human garbage in an absol
women are so inferior the only unfake benefit they can contribute men is the proof of women themselves not being the ones gaining any benefit. This is why women contribute their pain & degradation to the superior men their female inferiority needs &am
Whether women are inferior or not is not an absolute thing, but it depends on whether we compare women to superior men or inferior men. This is why women need feminism so they don't get treated as inferior by men that are inferior too
Dignity, that is, the fact of not being treated as inferior by somebody else oneself is not inferior to, is something female inferiority can logically have only concerning men that are inferior too. & this is why women see their submission to superior
So the reason why women don't want to be treated like inferior by inferior men is not that women aren't inferior, but that female inferiority doesn't want to be with inferior men, but only with superior men (and so women only want to be treated according
Honor has to do with not being mistreated or treated as inferior by people who are equal to oneself. This is why, to women, being mistreated by inferior men is dishonorable, but being capable of being mistreated by superior men is a kind of "female honora