This female was feeling confident that she could deepthroat the superior male by herself. This was swiftly handled by the male who then trained her himself. She was then brought back to her inferior state when the male discharged his secretion on her face
Viciously beaten, with cum on her face, publicly exposed to social mockery, contempt and exclusion... it's the way she makes money. Yeah, she's the pure image of smartness and of self-sufficiency
It was all arranged. She was tied to the bed, naked and waiting. He came in and took his pleasure from her. She never even saw his face. Her greatest fantasy fulfilled.
When superior Man validation gets spread over a womyn's face, her ego gets boosted so she can do a more vigorous feminist activism against inferior men
Her face covered, she's not even a person in their eyes. Just a mouth to use. And later, a cunt, an ass, and a jizzrag if she's lucky. She's already so wet, it's dripping down her leg.