female inferiority, namely women themselves, has just ONE goal & dedication in life: the superior Man. This entails rejecting inferior men, but since superior Men r scarce, women have engineered feminism 2 capitalise on inferior men's servility &
female inferior carnal attributes are inferior and so they can't be "superior" or "beautiful" in themselves, unless they're the "best", "most superior" thing the woman can contribute. That is: inferiority, not anatomy itself, is the "sexy" "beautiful" thi
female body isn't sexy per se; beauty is in the desire of being desired as beautiful. I.e, beauty lies in the woman's desire that her body & degradation are desired & preferred as the best things her inferiority can offer. So consent is so importa
female inferiority's preference for superior men can't be the wrong thing itself; the wrong thing is women try to reuse their positive treatment of superior men into an absence of positive treatment to inferior men so they get positive treatment, presiden
female inferiority's hypergamy's methods can b really subtle: superior men treating women bad subtly results in women treating superior men 'well'; which in turn subtly results in women treating inferior men 'bad'; which subtly results in inferior men ele
female inferiority logically needs to use sex as a privilege granted by the woman to the man. But this is a double-edged sword: something can only work as a privilege if awarded to just one person. Once granted to more than one man, sex no longer can work