The superior person (Man) doesn't need the inferior person (woman), so they don't need to get accepted by the inferior one. It's the inferior person that needs the superior one, so they need to convince the superior one to accept them. This is why women o
Superior Men don't need anything important from women, superior Men don't need women. Superior Men only accept women who need them and their superiority. And only inferior women need superior Men. Therefore, superior Men only accept inferior women, inferi
Superior Men don't need superior women, so they only accept inferior women. So, in order to get accepted by a superior Man, a woman has to affirm she's inferior. So you have this fact of feminists affirming inferior men women are superior, but reminding s
There are 2 possible claims a feminist can allege a Superior Man for being accepted by Him: a) Accept me cause I'm superior to you and I can help you; or b) Accept me cause I'm inferior to you and I need your help. Since this image doesn't seem to fit the
When you are so inferior that you can't offer anything authentically important in order to get appreciated and accepted by others, then you logically need to beg another person to accept you despite your inferiority. In this case you won't logically beg a