After a heavy feminist reprogramming the internet revealed her feminism only applies to inferior men, and it is being reprogrammed as an inferior worthless honorless piece of fuck-meat that leads to being accepted by Superior Men. After this new brainwash
So would you like to know how could you get feminists shutting down feminism in less than two years? Because that's what you're going to have once you manage to make womyn fully understand that being a complete, consummate feminist entails dropping Superi
So we can conclude that feminism wants exactly the same thing that can be observed in other animal species' natural social groups: the inferior male specimens do all the hunting together, so the alpha male has enough time for fucking all the females and f
MD feminists: a "feministjob" is sexier than a handjob. It's when you use a feminist instead of your hand. So you can use feminism for pleasing your superior man too, as well as for getting respect, social status, quotas, presidencies and money from infer
So the justifying basis of the money, the quotas and the status of superiority women demand from inferior men, is the female inferiority women submit and pay to superior Men. inferior men pay the whores to superior Men; this is feminism
Another cool girl showing how much she is worth and how superior is her inferiority. Thanks to the freedom brought by feminism, modern women can disguise their ineptitude and their inferiority with freedom. Modern women are inferior because they freely ch
Not all women do porn as a way of feminist activism, but some women might want to do. Here you have an example: thanks to feminism, this lady can do porn and positively enjoy sex.
A succesful, choosing guy is not a guy who has sex with them because he was a nice guy, but a guy who has sex with them despite being a rude guy who knows no feminism. Here you have a paid example.
Thanks to the freedom feminism has brought to women, she can get her asshole destroyed and still say it's empowering, pleasurable and she loves sex. Because, in the end, what is a greater act of freedom than choosing what is worst for you? That free are w
It's nice to hear ladies say they're sub and feminist, because it means they consider you are respecting their feminism when you treat them like this...
Degradation and maltreatment are forcing a woman to do this for a man she doesn't like. Respecting the freedom of a woman to behave even like this for the man she chooses, is respecting that woman's rights, and therefore it's feminism.
Past feminists were coerced slaves; modern feminists are willing slaves. Thanks feminism for giving freedom to the female brain and helping women so much. But please don't advocate freedom for underage children too, because their lack of knowledge will ge
The only existing "brainwashing Matrix" is the "Matrix" created by feminism for controlling inferior men. You will find no feminist married to an inferior man she has to maintain.
Sometimes feminists say feminism is about gender right equality. Some other times they say it's about freedom of choice. So no surprise they never say it's about intelligence
I don't know what would 1850s' feminists have thought if they knew that modern feminists make money by shitting on feminism to male amusement, liberatedly and willingly.
Inferior men won't have women submitting to them. No problem, since they'll still get, though, institutionalized mandatory feminism oppressing them into hiring women and electing women presidents because of the privileged attribute of female gender
So behind female respectability is not the female superiority feminism wants inferior, female president-electing men to believe in, but the female non-respectability female inferiority needs to seduce superior men with
women want to be like worthless shit to superior men (so they get their female inferiority accepted by the best men). Then they want to be like presidents to inferior men because feminism (so they get their female inferiority paid with the best wages)