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women's studies says it's disrespect only if you do it without her consent. Turns out this implies it is not disrespect if you do it with her consent. So this axiom is the secret back door women's studies keeps for protecting equality defenders' preferenc

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So this subreddit shows us "superior" womyn who don't need superior Men, trying and needing to get accepted by superior Men, and preferring those superior Men. (Yeah, call it "womyn's superior intelligence")

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Artificial gender equality defenders have learned that the superior Men they need and prefer don't like and don't accept feminism. This hasn't made them reject feminism, but it has made them use the principles of feminism against inferior men, which is a

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Hey, don't take it in earnest, it's just a movie, fiction, it's not really happening. In real life she's a hardcore feminist.

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I know many women, despite preferring superior Men, aren't familiar with the female behavior described here. The reason is the greater the Male superiority, the rarer statistically it is, so many women haven't found the superior Man they want to be a cook

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women have always preferred the best, most superior Male genes, to the species' benefit. Only that different internet's sources, among which this humble little known subreddit is, are helping future female generations gain a greater awareness about it

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women are just inferior fuckmeat. It's great, if their own internal feelings about it are good. So women who are happy to be the simple fuckmeat want to be feminist, cause being inferior fuckmeat is important and superior too and so it's another proof of

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Her swimming coaches tell her this is good training. It teaches her better breath control, and it teaches her to obey her coach. It's her favorite training drill.

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The submission of own pain by women 2 the superior men female inferiority prefers is a working method bc it proves female inferiority doesn't have a better way of achieving its most important goals. Plus this makes pain a method important & valuable 2

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So degradation and loss of dignity gets female inferiority the superior men it needs and prefers. This is what makes women respectable people to inferior men

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This is why you'll never see a Male supremacy-hating feminist saying she prefers inferior men; they all prefer superior Males. Since women have only 1 dignity to lose, they need to make it the most profitable possible to themselves; so their feminist free

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Hey, if it is her profession then it is compatible with feminism and it isn't mistreatment. Remember, MD Gentlemen, sometimes you will also need to think like the female brain

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More feminist epistemology to you. Perhaps it doesn't produce science or technology directly by itself, but it makes men produce them, to feminists' benefit. (Also, somehow it gets feminists other important social positions among inferior men).

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So /r/maledom's gentlemen, there you have it: it's not how nice you behave to them; it's how superior you are.

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feminism has managed to break the chains of Male oppression. Now it needs to free women from the chains of women's inferiority's oppression; but, oh, it can only achieve it by oppressing women into quotas, artificial helping policies and female superiorit

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So to legalize prostitution is to legalize Patriarchy. After all feminism was all about choice, wasn't it? "So let's choose Patriarchy". Yeah, let's smash the Patriarchy's oppression by choosing to consent to it, so it's no longer oppression. Thanx femini

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So since it's the inferior one that needs the superior one and not inversely, then it's the inferior one that is in the position of having to convince, and it's the superior that is in the position of having to be convinced. This is y women only grovel 2

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So there you have it. Inferiority is the fundamental female make up. It's inferiority that makes up female perfection, qualifiedness and superiority. It's inferiority that makes up femininity and femaleness themselves. It's inferiority that makes up the s

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MD feminists: HIS pleasure is your only pleasure. You enjoy your pain cause it makes it clearer to Him that He's the only one enjoying sex, and that you're so inferior that sex doesn't benefit you, but it's the only benefit you can give Him so you earn mo

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she doesn't do it because she's inferior; she does it because she enjoys it (as much as him)

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So since female inferiority can only contribute its physical pain and moral degradation to the superior men it needs and prefers, then to women being respected is not a matter of dignity, but a matter of not having a relationship with everyone

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The truth of the assertion "women are inferior" is relative to context and conditional, this is why you can't say it that fast. If it is said by an inferior man, it is false; but if it is said by a superior Man, it is true.

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Some of you won't want to understand it or to agree on it, but I think it must be said that, beneath this subreddit's "philosophy", there is as well the simple purpose of defining what "good sex" is (at least of its kind), to the extent of even considerin

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So it is not freedom if you only want it for choosing what is best for you, is it? Here you have a free wealthy country sex worker. Blow jobs are her job. Because it best suits her needs.

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So female inferiority logically prefers a superior man; that is, women want a man they can boast about. & this subreddit is delving into the concept of marriage in order to develop it into a more perfect kind of marriage in which women can boast about

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So since picking superior men is the best choice female inferiority can make, somehow we can see it and understand it as preference for superior men being the only "strength" and "independence" of female inferiority, which is why feminism demands respect

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MD feminists, remember: it's not mistreatment or degradation if you wanted and begged it to happen. Therefore it's not mistreatment or degradation if it is done to you by a superior man

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Gents, remember: it's the inferior one that needs the superior one, not the other way around, and so it's women that pursue superior men, and this is what you want. This means that if you have to approach or pursue her, it's you yourself already turning i

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feminists aren't sexist for preferring men that are superior to themselves; it's men that have a toxic masculinity for saying they do

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MD feminists: anal is a good sexual method cause it makes it clear to the superior men your female inferiority needs and prefers that sex is the only unfake benefit your female inferiority can contribute (since anal pain is no benefit to yourself) and so

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feminists love this subreddit bc thanks to it modern generation feminists have a clearer understanding about feminism being a defense means against inferior men and about feminism's compatibility with their female inferior biology's preference for superio

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MD feminists: have in mind that it's you women yourselves the ones that create, protect, cultivate, spread and normalize sexism when you prefer and choose men that are superior to yourselves

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MD feminists: it is always advisable to train and develop the skills that make your femaleness, that is, your inferiority, perfect and superior, in order to get accepted by the superior men your inferiority and femaleness need and prefer

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If female inferiority's hypergamy can b defined as female inferiority's preference 4 superior men, it can b defined too as fem. inferiority's hatred 4 inferior men, i.e, feminism. So feminism is the institutionalization of female hypergamy, so its logical

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So when men choose against women feminists call it "discrimination"; when women choose against men feminists call it "choice". And /r/maledom calls it all "toxic feminism"

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Pajamas conceal it pretty well but I much prefer to take it out

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