F - 5'9.5" - 129 lbs. I just want to accept myself after years of self-hatred. When I look at myself, I see either skinny-fat or really fat-fat. How can a mind be capable of deceiving itself so grandly?
21/F/5'8/141lbs I want to feel ok about myself. My self loathing of my body has held me back from so many things and I want to end the destructive habits and thought patterns. (I know one butt cheek is bigger I'm working on it)
M/35/5'11"/190lbs, was a skinny kid in HS, bulked up in my 20s, now want to cut back on the chubby parts. Added flaccid pic cause this is me being normal when nude.
F [26] 138 lbs 5'9 - This is my first nude that wasn't sent seeking someone else's validation. Just my own. There's still so much I doubt and desire about my body, but I want to learn to one day appreciate it for all it has given me.