"Come on, is all this shit serious?", the inferior man asks. Yeah, this subreddit is fantasy; everybody knows real life women prefer inferior men, cause their female superiority doesn't need superior Men
Feminists only dislike being treated as inferior beings by men who are inferior too. Feminists don't dislike male superiority; they dislike fake, pretended male superiority.
After a heavy feminist reprogramming the internet revealed her feminism only applies to inferior men, and it is being reprogrammed as an inferior worthless honorless piece of fuck-meat that leads to being accepted by Superior Men. After this new brainwash
No matter how inferior and incapable a woman is: every woman has a body, and this body can feel pain. The female free-but-optimizing genetic agency optimizingly delivers its inferior body to the most superior Man. Submitting to a superior Man makes women
Only superior men logically know first-hand the actuality of women's inferiority. To women inferior men are like "social noise" women try to get useful things from (such as status, quotas, presidencies or money) via the institutionalisation of hypergamy a
women are so inferior that they're only cool if they're cool to superior Men. A superior Man's acceptance is the greatest achievement a woman can aspire to in her inferior female existence. A woman's superiority is the superiority of the Man she manages t
So real sex is women hurting, degrading, mistreating and destroying themselves to amuse and pleasure a superior Man. Real sex is women sacrificing and destroying the only thing their female inferiority can deny inferior men, their dignity and respectabili
Superior Men don't need anything important from women, superior Men don't need women. Superior Men only accept women who need them and their superiority. And only inferior women need superior Men. Therefore, superior Men only accept inferior women, inferi
No woman would do this for a man if this man is so inferior that he's unable to achieve on his own things that she can't achieve on her own neither. Artificial gender equality defenders love to claim women are superior, but they all reject the inferior me
So here you have another wise sex-positive feminist, who liberatedly chose the sex profession because she loves feminist sex. She proudly shows off she's skilled enough for being so inferior, that she's superior from the viewpoint of her inferiority.
So, due to female inferiority, women *NEED* Men, not the other way around; but women do logically express and channel that need toward superior Men; which, in turn, causes the inferior men's lack of experience and knowledge about women that makes it so un
feminism, gender equality civility and superiority over inferior men are the role play; female inferiority and submission to superior Men are the natural, reality play
Since own pain, degradation and self-destruction is the only contribution the unproductive and useless female inferiority can make in order to please a man, and since a superior Man is female inferiority's best option, then women only enjoy being mistreat
So this subreddit is not about female inferiority and worthlessness as a negative quality (offensive misogyny), but about female inferiority and worthlessness as the quality of sexiness, sexiness meaning "existence based and depending on superior Men" (er
When you are so inferior that you can't offer anything authentically important in order to get appreciated and accepted by others, then you logically need to beg another person to accept you despite your inferiority. In this case you won't logically beg a
women are just inferior fuckmeat. It's great, if their own internal feelings about it are good. So women who are happy to be the simple fuckmeat want to be feminist, cause being inferior fuckmeat is important and superior too and so it's another proof of
This is the only way women can get to be accepted by the superior Men they prefer: for their female inferiority. Logically, women will only admit their inferiority to superior Men.
feminism wants the money from inferior men and the semen from superior Men. It requests government's egalitarian policies for the same reasons of justice disabled people do. feminism is the female hypergamy's struggle against inferior men
Real feminists prefer superior males; so real feminism acknowledges and professes the feminine quality of inferiority and submission. Unreal feminism prefers inferior males.
female inferior carnal attributes are inferior and so they can't be "superior" or "beautiful" in themselves, unless they're the "best", "most superior" thing the woman can contribute. That is: inferiority, not anatomy itself, is the "sexy" "beautiful" thi
Everybody wants to show off how wonderful & superior they are. The only superiority women (i.e, female inferiority) can prove is how superior & wonderful they r at being inferior fuckmeat. This is y women choose superior men and reject inferior me
In order to get its demands for respect, affirmative action, quotas, presidencies, status of superiority and money from inferior men fulfilled female inferiority uses feminism. In order to get accepted by superior men female inferiority uses less feminist
In order not to be treated as inferior by a woman, a superior man will show his superiority. In order not to be treated as inferior by a man, a woman will choose to be treated as inferior by another different man (superior to the former). A woman's superi
No superior woman would ever need to pretend or fake she's inferior; female inferiority and female submission to superior men aren't fake, only female superiority is. female superiority is the simulated, fantasy role wymyn play against inferior men
Gents: when u r superior, she wants 2 b accepted & taken by u (as well as she wants u). No woman is interested in being accepted by an inferior man. It's the inferior one that needs the superior; it's the inferior that loves & needs 2 b loved. No
female inferiority's hypergamy's methods can b really subtle: superior men treating women bad subtly results in women treating superior men 'well'; which in turn subtly results in women treating inferior men 'bad'; which subtly results in inferior men ele
So women are just inferior people whose inferiority has 2 consequences: 1-They need and prefer superior men & so they're picky; 2-They can only contribute their unproductive inferior existence, that is, they can only offer their submission, degradatio
In other words: it's not degrading if a woman is treated like an inferior person by a superior man, because he's precisely superior and she's inferior. And it's not degrading if a woman is treated like a superior person by an inferior man, logically. So w
So "no slut-shaming" is what feminists demand from inferior men so feminists can keep receiving respect, money, status, quotas and presidencies from inferior men no matter what feminists themselves do by night for the superior men their female inferiority
So feminism just tries to make the society acknowledge the logical truth of the idea that women's right not to be treated like inferior people by men that are inferior too can't get obstructed by women's right to be treated like inferior people by superio
feminism has brainwashed inferior men into the idea that women are superior people oppressed and disempowered into a fictitious role of female inferiority by the Patriarchy. This subreddit has shown women are inferior people empowered to a fictitious role
To women, being superior men's fuckmeat and inferior men's presidents aren't incompatible goals, given superior men's superiority & minority and inferior men's inferiority & majority. Soon a male president's wife will show u what the triumph of hy
You will never hear any of those male supremacy fighting feminists say she prefers men that aren't superior to herself. However, superior men prefer women that are just inferior fuck meat. Superiority is superiority; inferiority is inferiority
women's life passes off between 2 goals: 1)Getting their inferiority accepted by superior men (freedom of choice feminism); 2)Denying their inferiority to inferior men (gender equality feminism). Affirmative action, female presidencies... r just forms of
Given the circumstance, women look really good at looking like they're not inferior despite their inferiority, but there is a trick to it: it only takes inferior inexperienced men
women want to be like worthless shit to superior men (so they get their female inferiority accepted by the best men). Then they want to be like presidents to inferior men because feminism (so they get their female inferiority paid with the best wages)