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feminism is utterly erratic: it defends gender-equality, but it defends female freedom too; what if a woman freely prefers a Superior Man?. I know real life women normally prefer inferior men, but what if a woman freely chooses a Superior Man?.

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women r open 2 polygyny, but only with superior Men. If a woman wants sex once in a month & a superior Man wants sex 30 times in a month, then if He has 30 wives they'll all live happy about sex. Polygyny is the most natural & stablest marriage. A

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So should her former sexual partner count matter? We're bringing r/MD's principle on this again: to a superior man, the only thing she can do for her former sexual partner count to not matter is that she degrades herself for that new superior man more tha

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No matter how inferior and incapable a woman is: every woman has a body, and this body can feel pain. The female free-but-optimizing genetic agency optimizingly delivers its inferior body to the most superior Man. Submitting to a superior Man makes women

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Inferiority is linked to need. Inferior women need Superior Men. women need Superior Men because women are inferior. You won't see many women preferring inferior men. Men, however, prefer inferior women.

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After all, a woman can be good, superior, at making something as inferior and easy as a sandwich, or at giving a blowjob. This is female "superiority", and women will only use these "best" assets of theirs to achieve their most important goals: the "best"

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So yes: not only do feminists admit their female gender's inferiority when this inferiority is an means of their own they can use to get accepted by a superior Man, but they even show off this inferiority as some skillful, qualifying and superior ability

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So when women want a superior Man, they accordingly know they want a Man women themselves will have to convince and beg to. This is why women only strive to convince and beg superior Men

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This is the only way women can get to be accepted by the superior Men they prefer: for their female inferiority. Logically, women will only admit their inferiority to superior Men.

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So when a woman is unhappy about her husband, she says she is unhappy about the kitchen life, because there's just one thing in this world that can make female inferiority unhappy: inferior men. A woman married to a superior man is a woman happy to stay a

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femaleness and femininity are the superiority and qualification of inferiority, in the logic of the female inferiority's relation to the Male superiority which is female inferiority's best choice

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MD ladies: only carnal inferiority and submission are sexy and interesting to superior Men. MD Gentlemen: only superiority is attractive to women.

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So women don't passively pay their inferiority to superior Men; every woman secretly runs the active seeking of a superior Man, and this seeking is even women's most important activity, even more important than trying to get respect, money, social status

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MD feminists, remember that, in order to get accepted by a Superior Man and in order to keep your Superior Man's love, begging is better than just consenting.

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So whether a woman's body is a sexual object, or a cum, urine or spit dump, in a given circumstance or not isn't a man's decision (at least not a superior man's decision), but it's that woman's decision, which is humane 2 grant her since her body is the o

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The kind of woman superior men choose is the kind of woman that needs, loves and chooses superior men

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In a relationship, either he is inferior or she is inferior, but they can't be both inferior or both superior (that is, in a relationship there can't exist authentic equality), cause it makes no sense

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The modern Internet is not Men debasing women: it's women debasing women. The reason is that web places like this little known subreddit have helped modern feminists understand that their inferiority is the logical attribute that gets them the superior Me

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Artificial gender equality defenders' preference for superior Men is simply based on female inferiority. Superior people don't need to beg other people for things they can achieve on their own. women would not pay their curves if they could achieve the th

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Every feminist needs to see covered and solved the question of getting accepted by a superior Man for her actual inferiority. Only then she'll show herself to the society as a conceited superior feminist that treats inferior men like the same shit she is

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So yes, the choosing of a superior Man is the universal ace every artificial gender equality defender has up her sleeve for when she's required to actually prove her superior capabilities and she can't do anything but admit she's just a cum dump

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In other words: to women, the only possible indecency is to not do what is best for themselves or to do what is worst to themselves; namely, to women the only indecent thing is to submit to inferior men. Submitting to a superior Man is the best and most d

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The only genuinely and authentically happy woman is the woman accepted by a superior Man for her inferiority and for His inferior woman. Thanks to feminism, women have the freedom to submit their inferiority and dignity to superior Men, and the right to b

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So artificial gender equality defending feminists prefer superior Men because, due to female inferiority, this is the only thing women can do and contribute in order to be accepted by Men (whether superior or inferior men). An inferior being wouldn't try

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So yes, women don't deserve any respect, regard or appreciation from the Superior Men they need, worship and praise. In fact, women are so inferior and despicable, that not being respected by Superior Men is the only method they can use to be accepted by

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What is a woman, but the set of her abilities? Guess what? Yeah, women only apply their actual definition to Superior Men; Superior Men know well what women actually are.

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Inferiority & superiority are relative: for an inferior person to exist, there needs to exist a superior person too. This is why the fact that women are just inferior human garbage to superior men does NOT make women inferior human garbage in an absol

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Gents: the /r/MD version of women's definition "superior man-pursuing inferior fuckmeat" includes the "superior man-pursuing" clause as much as the "inferior fuckmeat" one. Pickiness (due to inferiority) defines women too, which is why women behave like p

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To women there's only one shameful, immoral & prejudicial thing they can do: to lower or degrade themselves to inferior men. female inferiority sees in superior men its best & due reward. This is y being degraded & mistreated by superior men i

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Gents, remember: women are concerned about getting a male partner who's superior to other men (inferiority is logically picky about its partner the complementary gender). So being picky is womanly and inferior. This is y inferior men are picky about women

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The Internet is helping feminists improve their skills at being accepted by the superior men their female inferiority needs to pick, but this is increasing inferior men's pressure on women as well, and this is why feminism needs to intensify its agenda ag

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Dignity, that is, the fact of not being treated as inferior by somebody else oneself is not inferior to, is something female inferiority can logically have only concerning men that are inferior too. & this is why women see their submission to superior

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feminism is not a hate movement against men; it is a hate movement against inferior men. wymyn's inferiority loves superior men. feminism is the way wymyn's inferiority tries to get money from inferior men because feminism and quotas

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feminism isn't a negation that women r inferior, but that women r inferior 2 men who r inferior too; which is consistent with female inferiority's preference 4 superior men. This is y feminism is a claim that inferior men r worthless trash, the way of avo

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MD feminists: anal is a good sexual method cause it makes it clear to the superior men your female inferiority needs and prefers that sex is the only unfake benefit your female inferiority can contribute (since anal pain is no benefit to yourself) and so

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Honor has to do with not being mistreated or treated as inferior by people who are equal to oneself. This is why, to women, being mistreated by inferior men is dishonorable, but being capable of being mistreated by superior men is a kind of "female honora

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