[M]erry Xmas! My cake day, real life b'day and Xmas are all upon us. So I thought I'd give back. I know you lady's are tired of six pack abs so I brought my pony keg.
Remember that this subreddit is just fantasy and doesn't represent real life women. Everybody knows real life women prefer inferior men because they're strong and independent and so they don't need superior Men
We can define post-truth as a new form of politics where the things said aren't like the real world, but the real world is like the things said (whether true or not). A perfect example of post-truth methodology is feminism: real life women are as superior
My wife comparing me to her favorite dildo. I've been asking her to compare me with a real cock and she has finally agreed! If you live in Atlanta, and have a big cock, let me know so we can compare for her!
New on Only Fans, as well as public sexuality... 100% real milf (definitely not a model lol) with secret side. I have a profesional life in the real world so this needs to stay secret... just expanding my horizons.