When a woman says she's strong and independent, she means the weakness is strong in her, and she has independence to depend on a man who is superior. Here you have two smart strong independent submissive feminists enjoying sex as much as men
MD feminists: if u want a man 4 a friend, not 4 sex, *treat him so he wants u 4 a friend, not 4 sex*. If u then get angry he's not interested in u sexually and u go promiscuous, he won't want u 4 sex since u have sex with others, and he won't want u 4 a f
Anal sex is not easy to master when you haven’t done it before. For a man it may seem straight forward -- in, out -- but it isn’t this simple. If you're not very careful, if you don’t warm her up properly, if you don’t go slowly enough, you will probably
Before she banned you totally from sex and locked your dick in a cage - she wouldn’t let you cum without a condom period. Now, your best friend gets to cum wherever he wants to on her. I guess that’s what he gets for being a real man.