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5'3. ~135 lbs. Not sure what I'm looking for. Any honest critiques welcome.

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(21) F, self conscious: feel like I'm not perky enough, big enough, and don't like the size/color of my nipples. Honest thoughts?

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20F / 129lbs / 5'8" Not very confident in my body after 50lb weight loss. My breasts are uneven and sagging and my thighs are covered in stretch marks.

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19F 5"5 144 lbs I like how I look when I'm wearing clothes but not without

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19/Transgender, 5'8", 130lbs, 10 months into HRT. This is totally uncharacteristic of me and I'm really not brave enough to show my genitals or face.

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This is me, sitting up, with all my fat visible. 30 years old, 1 child,5'8, not sure of weight.

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23F/5'7"/151lbs not happy with my body

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21/f/~150-155lbs. I've never been this open about my body with anyone, not even significant others. Stretch marks, lots-o-cellulite, extra fat, large arms, strange breasts, but in the process of losing weight (roughly 10lbs down).

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24 F not happy with my labia

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I'm not very comfortable with my body. But I got the courage to post here. Should I be as see conscious as I am?

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24F, 5'8", 164lbs, not a fan of my small breasts, large thighs, or eczema on my bum. DO love my hourglass waistline and even my little tummy pooch. :)

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29/F I'm a little concerned with my booty I can't decide if I need to try and lose some of it or not!

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First post to this subreddit. Not too many hairy bodies here, so here's one

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225 lbs, 5'3" believe it or not, somebody loves this body and so do I

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Still not good looking but look better :) m 5"10 196 pounds down from 310 pounds(2 years)

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M-25. I've lost 100+ lbs over the last year and a half and I'm still not 100% confident with my body. I'm working on it though.

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[F/22/5"4] Not feeling so sexy after having my baby girl in April. Help?

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25M. Not confident in my body at all, can't seem to shift belly and hip fat.

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30,F,Not sure of weight, but it's gone up since last time!

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35 M 5"8 old enough to not be shy anymore. please be brutally honest.

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(M) 26 5'3" 125 lbs. Not very happy with how I look. Comments welcomed.

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19M, 5'7", 130lbs I'm kinda indifferent to myself. not sure how I compare.

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[24M 6'4" 194lb]. Consider this my before, just started a new goal last month. Lots of work to do but I'm not too unhappy.

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32M 5'7 380lbs. I'm stressed out at times try to hide it with laughter. I work a lot. No love life. I Feel as No one is not attracted to me. Falling into the forever alone state. My scar is from a herina surgery.

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41 [M] 175 6'. No matter how hard I work, I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with my body. I'm not going to stop working at it, but I need to start loving me as is.

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20M/5'7"/135lb This is what I look like when I'm not working out often

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In my post yesterday I was not nude. Please take this as my apology.

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Recently lost 40 pounds, still not completely comfortable with the new body.[m] 26, 6.3 175 pounds

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M, 20, 5’7’’, 139 lbs. Lost 50 pounds and just finished a course of Accutane. Feeling better but still not happy.

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5,7 186. Not all black people are huge! Lol

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27m, 1.8m, 72kg. Not in the best shape after winter.

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22/M/5'9"/66kg heads up, a bit of not so great acne scarring in the last pic

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24M :: 175cm, 79kg. Not a fan of my body shape or my current weight, but here I am in all my glory!

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[update] 25/m/190lbs - After a month of working out, not as much progress as I'd like. But feeing better

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20/m 155lb 5'7" Not the most confident about my body

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21f, 5'7, 105 never loved the way my nipples look like they fade into my breast. The tan lines make it worse but def not a fan.

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