20F / 129lbs / 5'8" Not very confident in my body after 50lb weight loss. My breasts are uneven and sagging and my thighs are covered in stretch marks.
21/f/~150-155lbs. I've never been this open about my body with anyone, not even significant others. Stretch marks, lots-o-cellulite, extra fat, large arms, strange breasts, but in the process of losing weight (roughly 10lbs down).
32M 5'7 380lbs. I'm stressed out at times try to hide it with laughter. I work a lot. No love life. I Feel as No one is not attracted to me. Falling into the forever alone state. My scar is from a herina surgery.
41 [M] 175 6'. No matter how hard I work, I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with my body. I'm not going to stop working at it, but I need to start loving me as is.