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So the justifying basis of the money, the quotas and the status of superiority women demand from inferior men, is the female inferiority women submit and pay to superior Men. inferior men pay the whores to superior Men; this is feminism

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Superior Men don't need anything important from women, superior Men don't need women. Superior Men only accept women who need them and their superiority. And only inferior women need superior Men. Therefore, superior Men only accept inferior women, inferi

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So, due to female inferiority, women *NEED* Men, not the other way around; but women do logically express and channel that need toward superior Men; which, in turn, causes the inferior men's lack of experience and knowledge about women that makes it so un

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Remember: this is NOT a subreddit on men maltreating women; this is a subreddit on women making the men they admire maltreat those women themselves, to keep those admired men's love.

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feminism wants the money from inferior men and the semen from superior Men. It requests government's egalitarian policies for the same reasons of justice disabled people do. feminism is the female hypergamy's struggle against inferior men

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Real feminists prefer superior males; so real feminism acknowledges and professes the feminine quality of inferiority and submission. Unreal feminism prefers inferior males.

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So yes. inferior men would get shocked at the "indicators of interest" women throw at superior Men. And superior Men would get shocked at what inferior men consider to be "indicators of female interest"

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I read by chance next Sunday it's international wymyn's day. inferior men will celebrate it a lot. Superior Men won't see any special thing to celebrate. So that day is an obvious invention by inferior men

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There are lots of blogs out there run by men on grandmas' sexiness, milfs' sexiness, thick girls' sexiness, even female amputees' sexiness. However you'll never see a blog run by a woman on old men's sexiness, fat men's sexiness, male amputees' sexiness,

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Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason is blows are painful when they're given by inferior men, but they turn pleasurable when they're given by superior Men. Yes, female sexuality is more... complex

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hypergamy isn't stupid, so feminists have their own win-win position concerning inferior men: if feminists have 2 b mistreated according 2 their inferiority, they'll only allow superior men 2 do it; but if they have 2 accept inferior men, they'll have 2 b

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women are inferior & worthless, but since female inferiority logically pursues superior Men, women don't depend on inferior men, and this is why women aren't inferior or worthless to inferior men. women have built a whole feminism out of this hypergam

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women feel offended when inferior men treat them bad, but they feel happy and validated when superior Men treat them bad. So MD gentlemen remember: if you are superior Men, you MUST mistreat women, once they beg you for it, so they feel respected by you

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women are superior man pursuing trash; so women are trash. However, to women inferior men are trash, so women are superior people to inferior men. Inferior men think women have better things to offer than their bodies, so women post naked pictures of them

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women don't tell inferior men they aren't inferior meat bc they aren't, but bc women submit their inferiority 2 superior men as their best choice: if women submitted 2 inf. men too, they'd have no way of getting accepted by sup. men. female denial 2 inf.

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female inferiority, namely women themselves, has just ONE goal & dedication in life: the superior Man. This entails rejecting inferior men, but since superior Men r scarce, women have engineered feminism 2 capitalise on inferior men's servility &

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& that Law of Conservation of Dignity translates into a corollary: the respectful appreciative treatment inferior men pay women makes women feel good, even socially praised, about submitting & groveling to superior Men. women need inferior men for

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feminists think reddit is misogynistic. No; *feminism* is misogynistic. feminism is misogynistic when it says female consent is not enough, when it says women are not free to prefer Patriarchy, or when it says women are not free to prefer polygyny

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To women there's only one shameful, immoral & prejudicial thing they can do: to lower or degrade themselves to inferior men. female inferiority sees in superior men its best & due reward. This is y being degraded & mistreated by superior men i

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feminists want the genes from superior men and the financial support from inferior men (i.e feminism wants inferior men to pay superior men the whores), with an added detail: feminism wants to make this *mandatory* via quotas, affirmative action, female p

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Whether women are inferior or not is not an absolute thing, but it depends on whether we compare women to superior men or inferior men. This is why women need feminism so they don't get treated as inferior by men that are inferior too

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women expect superior men to treat them the way superior men should treat women, and they expect inferior men to treat them the way inferior men should do. So it's not how women get treated what feminists complain about, but the mismatch between how they

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feminism is not a hate movement against men; it is a hate movement against inferior men. wymyn's inferiority loves superior men. feminism is the way wymyn's inferiority tries to get money from inferior men because feminism and quotas

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women r perfectly ok with being inferior human garbage, bc they r human garbage 2 superior men. What women oppose is the offense of being treated like garbage *by inferior men*, bc inferior men aren't superior either, but they're inferior too, so women sh

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feminists only want to get mistreated by superior men, this is their only superior and happy goal in life; this is why they need to be treated nicely by inferior men and they want to receive feminism, quotas, presidencies and money from inferior men

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So women don't want to be appreciated by unimportant insignificant inferior men or for all those inner virtues and qualities the RPG of feminism brainwashes inferior men into. women want to be appreciated by important superior men and for the things super

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Political correctness doesn't mean women's right not to be treated like inferior people by inferior men women aren't inferior to can only translate into inferior men having to treat women like superior people, but feminism knows the inferior men's inferio

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female inferiority's hypergamy's methods can b really subtle: superior men treating women bad subtly results in women treating superior men 'well'; which in turn subtly results in women treating inferior men 'bad'; which subtly results in inferior men ele

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So it's the fact that female carnal inferiority submits and offers itself because it needs to get accepted and taken by the superiority of superior men that makes inferior men think, given these men's mental inferiority, women want to be taken by inferior

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So the reason why women don't want to be treated like inferior by inferior men is not that women aren't inferior, but that female inferiority doesn't want to be with inferior men, but only with superior men (and so women only want to be treated according

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All men want 2 b superior but it's logically impossible. If all men virtually had equal superiority, female inferiority would still look 4 small differences among men 2 find the most superior man, bc the very definition of femaleness relies on female infe

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Inferior men see women as superior people (inferior men's feminism is a feature inbuilt within inferior men's inferior genes); superior men see women as inferior people (inbuilt feature); female inferiority simply maximizes its benefits out of it all

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To women, being superior men's fuckmeat and inferior men's presidents aren't incompatible goals, given superior men's superiority & minority and inferior men's inferiority & majority. Soon a male president's wife will show u what the triumph of hy

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women try to seduce superior men by implying other men are inferior to those superior men. women try to get respect, social status, quotas, affirmative action, presidencies, money and feminism from inferior men by implying other men are superior to those

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MD feminists: it is always advisable to train and develop the skills that make your femaleness, that is, your inferiority, perfect and superior, in order to get accepted by the superior men your inferiority and femaleness need and prefer

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The fact that female inferiority wants to be treated like shit by superior men makes inferior men believe they can treat women like shit too, but inferior men are inferior too and so they're shit too, which is why women need feminism against inferior men

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