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"Come on, is all this shit serious?", the inferior man asks. Yeah, this subreddit is fantasy; everybody knows real life women prefer inferior men, cause their female superiority doesn't need superior Men

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feminism is utterly erratic: it defends gender-equality, but it defends female freedom too; what if a woman freely prefers a Superior Man?. I know real life women normally prefer inferior men, but what if a woman freely chooses a Superior Man?.

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Only superior men logically know first-hand the actuality of women's inferiority. To women inferior men are like "social noise" women try to get useful things from (such as status, quotas, presidencies or money) via the institutionalisation of hypergamy a

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The superior person (Man) doesn't need the inferior person (woman), so they don't need to get accepted by the inferior one. It's the inferior person that needs the superior one, so they need to convince the superior one to accept them. This is why women o

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So yes, smart women don't like men who think women are brainless fuckmeat. And ALL women prefer and aspire to superior Men who need nothing from women and who think women are just inferior brainless fuckmeat

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So, due to female inferiority, women *NEED* Men, not the other way around; but women do logically express and channel that need toward superior Men; which, in turn, causes the inferior men's lack of experience and knowledge about women that makes it so un

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Apparently the greatest indicator of the world's stability, wealth and safety is the status of women. I guess it means in the Third World women are mistreated against their will, but in the First World women beg superior Men to mistreat them. So, logicall

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Remember that this subreddit is just fantasy. Everybody, feminists included, knows that real life women are as superior as Men and so they need no superior Man and they're strong and superior Man-independent, this is why they only accept and prefer inferi

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A superior Man doesn't need to pay for sex or force women into sex against women's will, but women beg Him to mistreat them and accept them into one of His harems. feminism is a female methodology against inferior men for restraining inferior men and gett

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So women don't passively pay their inferiority to superior Men; every woman secretly runs the active seeking of a superior Man, and this seeking is even women's most important activity, even more important than trying to get respect, money, social status

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To a Superior Man it's just a body; to her, it's her own survival means. A Superior Man doesn't need women; women need Him.

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Who says women don't like sex? women love sex, but only with superior Men. The reason is blows are painful when they're given by inferior men, but they turn pleasurable when they're given by superior Men. Yes, female sexuality is more... complex

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Begging is sexy and beautiful. Submitting is sexy and beautiful. women need to be sexy and beautiful. But Male superiority is female inferiority's best and most logical choice. This is why women only beg and submit their dignity and decency to superior Me

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The modern Internet is not Men debasing women: it's women debasing women. The reason is that web places like this little known subreddit have helped modern feminists understand that their inferiority is the logical attribute that gets them the superior Me

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To a superior Man women simply are these pathetic worthless human-like cumdumps. To inferior men that is absolutely degrading, disrespectful, unacceptable and simply unreal, which is what women want inferior men to think by means of feminism. But superior

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Mistreating women doesn't make a Man superior; it's the fact that a Man is superior (namely, more visually handsome than the other men; brains or manners don't matter to the inferior female brain) that makes women submit to Him their female inferiority-ba

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female inferiority, namely women themselves, has just ONE goal & dedication in life: the superior Man. This entails rejecting inferior men, but since superior Men r scarce, women have engineered feminism 2 capitalise on inferior men's servility &

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& that Law of Conservation of Dignity translates into a corollary: the respectful appreciative treatment inferior men pay women makes women feel good, even socially praised, about submitting & groveling to superior Men. women need inferior men for

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The only way women can get accepted by superior Men is to self-degrade to worthless inferior fuckmeat; but the fact that women actually are worthless inferior fuckmeat is what makes them prefer superior Men, and prefer and be incapable to submit anything

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So yes, women don't deserve any respect, regard or appreciation from the Superior Men they need, worship and praise. In fact, women are so inferior and despicable, that not being respected by Superior Men is the only method they can use to be accepted by

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What is a woman, but the set of her abilities? Guess what? Yeah, women only apply their actual definition to Superior Men; Superior Men know well what women actually are.

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Receiving sex and submission from women is a favour inferior men get from women, and a favour superior men do to women

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So women feel validationally happy when their physical pain and moral degradation succeed in amusing and getting enjoyed by a superior man. This is why women can validationally enjoy being mistreated as long as it is by a superior man

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So women simply and logically are superior man-pursuing (& inferior man-hating) inferior fuckmeat. Since inferior men are inferior, they don't get pursued by women, but they're the ones pursuing women instead, which empowers women with worth, importan

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So women try to gain superior men's appreciation and genes by showing them how good they are at submitting (that is, how superior they are at being inferior). women try to gain inferior men's appreciation and money by showing them how good they are at not

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It's the inferior that needs the superior. It's women that are picky, women are the choosing party: female inferiority prefers superior men over inferior men. Men are promiscuous: the winning male would pass his genes to all the females; there's only one

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So: 1-A logical link exists between female inferiority and female preference for superior men; 2-This combined fact of female inferiority's preference for superior men holds a position definitional to female nature: women are just superior man-pursuing in

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Whether women are inferior or not is not an absolute thing, but it depends on whether we compare women to superior men or inferior men. This is why women need feminism so they don't get treated as inferior by men that are inferior too

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Male superiority is the only attribute by means of which *not* treating women nicely becomes the way of seducing women. A woman is something an inferior man has to earn; a superior man is something a woman has to earn. It's not inconsiderateness that enab

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feminism is women's way of hating the men women hate: inferior men. Complementarily, non-feminism is women's way of loving the superior men female inferiority needs, prefers and loves

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Political correctness doesn't mean women's right not to be treated like inferior people by inferior men women aren't inferior to can only translate into inferior men having to treat women like superior people, but feminism knows the inferior men's inferio

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Inferior men think that if women are inferior they should submit to everyone as such. Inferior men don't understand women's inferiority isn't the only concern involved, but whether the man is superior or inferior counts too. women only submit to the super

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So the reason why women don't want to be treated like inferior by inferior men is not that women aren't inferior, but that female inferiority doesn't want to be with inferior men, but only with superior men (and so women only want to be treated according

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A means is only superior if it produces its outcome. E.g, u only value ur car as long as it takes u 2 ur destination. female inferiority is women's means 4 superior men. So when women get their inferiority accepted by a man, the favor is being done 2 wome

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Inferior men see women as superior people (inferior men's feminism is a feature inbuilt within inferior men's inferior genes); superior men see women as inferior people (inbuilt feature); female inferiority simply maximizes its benefits out of it all

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To women, being superior men's fuckmeat and inferior men's presidents aren't incompatible goals, given superior men's superiority & minority and inferior men's inferiority & majority. Soon a male president's wife will show u what the triumph of hy

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