A different kind of post: There are various anatomical structures that can be felt or seen from the outside of your body; here is a naughty album so you can learn where they are! (Moderator permission was gained for this) [/r/gwbooks]
“Whenever you squander attention on something that doesn’t put your brain through its paces and stimulate change, your mind stagnates a little and life feels dull.” ― Winifred Gallagher, Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life
Hydrotherapy is a part of medicine, in particular of occupational therapy and physiotherapy, that involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment. [wikipedia]
In 2005, the mentally challenged Jack Thompson stated that "Sims 2 contains, according to video game news sites, full frontal nudity, including nipples, penises, labia, and pubic hair". [http://www.gamespot.com/articles/sims-2-content-worse-than-hot-coffe
Jaguars are stocky and muscular, with large rosettes over a tawny coat that fades to spotted white underneath. [http://www.bigcats.com/learn-to-identify-the-big-cats ] (model: Veronika Fasterova)
Drinking warm milk helps with insomnia especially in the final trimester by releasing tryptophan in your body, a natural occurring amino acid that induces sleep.
As an ethologist, Desmond Morris proposed that breasts, a secondary sex characteristic located on the woman's chest, encouraged face-to-face sexual intercourse.
Somebody posted an image that is 1084 x 696. That's not high res in my book. I was going to bitch and say "Here's 10000 x 7514!" and then I saw on the sidebar there is a sub for that stuff. Anyway, here's something really high res. I got a TON of this stu
Hi! I’m A, I’m 27, I’m queer, and I’m new here on Reddit. I’m a newbie little who would love to explore my sexuality and discover my kinks, and I think this is the best place to do so. So here’s a bit of a sneak peek, and here’s to taking that small (well
You had sent your bully to the hospital after he mocked your girlfriend on her hobbies, and it was exhilarating! That was until you told your girl; who berated you for your actions, grabbed her stuff and rushed to the hospital to 'apologize':