[IPZ-712] The One And Only Insatiable Actress "Kaho Shibuya" Offered To Do This Herself! Fucking 100 Men!! Guys Who Want To Cum! Bring It On! SD - Starring "Kaho Shibuya"
women r open 2 polygyny, but only with superior Men. If a woman wants sex once in a month & a superior Man wants sex 30 times in a month, then if He has 30 wives they'll all live happy about sex. Polygyny is the most natural & stablest marriage. A
So we can conclude that feminism wants exactly the same thing that can be observed in other animal species' natural social groups: the inferior male specimens do all the hunting together, so the alpha male has enough time for fucking all the females and f
This is how you should look after a blowjob. Forget the dainty little "spit or swallow" debate. I want the "drooling, cum covered, makeup smeared, gasping, facefucked" selection.
Here we aren't interested in the false image of female superiority feminists brainwash inferior men about at feminist meetings to get money from those men. We're interested in the actual women, that go back home to a superior Man whose love they want to k
She never forgets what he told her: "if you don't want to lose me, you must be good with me". And she really loves him. He knows the secret of success with women isn't how you behave, if you are what women want.
I know many women, despite preferring superior Men, aren't familiar with the female behavior described here. The reason is the greater the Male superiority, the rarer statistically it is, so many women haven't found the superior Man they want to be a cook
feminism wants the money from inferior men and the semen from superior Men. It requests government's egalitarian policies for the same reasons of justice disabled people do. feminism is the female hypergamy's struggle against inferior men
My favorite thing about today's "liberated woman," AKA slut? They don't worry if you'll respect them in the morning. They just don't want you to respect them tonight. I use "slut" in the most loving sense.
So the reason why women want to be treated like respectable superior people by inferior men via feminism isn't that women are superior, but that being treated like the inferior worthless dump meat women are is the only thing women can contribute superior
Every woman wants to be considered a good, superior piece of inferior fuckmeat when it is within the logic of a relationship with a superior Man. That is, within the logic of such relationship, every woman wants her female inferiority to be the feature sh
Anal sex is one of the best symbols of Maledom: her willing pain for your pleasure (she doesn't want her pleasure; she wants your pleasure; her pleasure consists of pleasing you)
Gents: remember u don't simply love that girl; u'd love that girl 2 willingly & enthusiastically submit 2 you. So if u persist in loving her despite the fact she doesn't want 2 submit to u, then remember u r an idiot & u r doing the exact thing in
So, in the past, women were mistreated by force and against their will. But, in the present, thanks to the freedom and the rights brought by feminism to women, women are mistreated because they choose to and they want to. Thanks feminism for helping women
Some of you won't want to understand it or to agree on it, but I think it must be said that, beneath this subreddit's "philosophy", there is as well the simple purpose of defining what "good sex" is (at least of its kind), to the extent of even considerin
So yes, freedom is the perfect disguise for female inferiority. feminism wasn't even interested in equality of rights; it secretly wanted freedom and quotas for disguising female inferiority and allowing women to choose only Superior Men. Well played, fem
feminists only want to be mistreated by superior men and so to prevent inferior men from mistreating them. When women refuse to submit, it's not because it's indecent or immoral, but because the man they're supposed to submit to isn't superior
Since own mistreatment is the only unfake thing female inferiority can "contribute" (to transactionally mean it wants the relationship not to be to the sole woman's benefit), women get upset if superior men don't agree to mistreat them, and so they get up
Gents: whether a woman won't want to have sex with you at all, she'll give you a little sex but on the condition that she can have sex with other men too, or she'll only want to have ALL the sex with you, mustn't depend on what you tell her to do, but on
Everybody wants to show off how wonderful & superior they are. The only superiority women (i.e, female inferiority) can prove is how superior & wonderful they r at being inferior fuckmeat. This is y women choose superior men and reject inferior me
Gents, remember: it's the inferior one that needs the superior one, not the other way around, and so it's women that pursue superior men, and this is what you want. This means that if you have to approach or pursue her, it's you yourself already turning i
If a woman doesn't want 2 have a sexual relationship with a man she's an independent woman that uses her freedom. But if a man doesn't want to have an economic-professional relationship with a woman he's a sexist and she'll report him so the authorities w
A superior man doesn't need to allow and won't allow any woman to address him in other terms than 'Sir' or 'Master' (as long as that woman wants to have the chance to interact with him). Inferior men might try the same, but women will laugh at them
So behind female respectability is not the female superiority feminism wants inferior, female president-electing men to believe in, but the female non-respectability female inferiority needs to seduce superior men with
Gents: when u r superior, she wants 2 b accepted & taken by u (as well as she wants u). No woman is interested in being accepted by an inferior man. It's the inferior one that needs the superior; it's the inferior that loves & needs 2 b loved. No
So it's the fact that female carnal inferiority submits and offers itself because it needs to get accepted and taken by the superiority of superior men that makes inferior men think, given these men's mental inferiority, women want to be taken by inferior
All men want 2 b superior but it's logically impossible. If all men virtually had equal superiority, female inferiority would still look 4 small differences among men 2 find the most superior man, bc the very definition of femaleness relies on female infe
So this subreddit simply shows how do wymyn treat the superior men their female inferiority needs and prefers. If you want to know how do wymyn treat inferior men, just visit any of those feminist subreddits out there
Although female inferiority can only make contributions that r inferior & useless 2 superior men, they're the best female inferiority can contribute, so women want superior men 2 value & regard women's inferior offerings (of women's own suffering)
So when women publish their nudes they don't mean they r like that 2 all men, but only 2 the superior men they try 2 interest by those pics. When women want 2 get respect & quotas from inferior men they don't post nudes, but they don't publish scienti
In other words: feminists want to be treated like shit by the top 1% of men, and like presidents by the bottom 99% of men. This is why feminists will vote for a president to the wife of a former male president, as the pinnacle of feminism, knowing they ca