You may think getting your ass destroyed is an easy job, but sex is actually work to womyn, that is, something you can do and you do to obtain in return other things you can't achieve on your own. This is why sex workers exist; in fact, sex workers are th
So this subreddit is not about female inferiority and worthlessness as a negative quality (offensive misogyny), but about female inferiority and worthlessness as the quality of sexiness, sexiness meaning "existence based and depending on superior Men" (er
MD feminists: serving breakfast to a superior Man is one of the greatest goals and privileges you can aspire to and get honored with in your inferior female existence, so you must perform this task with the greatest discipline and devotion
Feral children lack the basic social skills that are normally learned in the process of enculturation. For example, they may have almost insurmountable trouble learning a human language. This impaired ability is often attributed to the existence of a crit