Empirical_Rhea is so slow to learn. Still having to force it down her throat. She has to get good at this for daddy. So frustrating trying to teach her.
Artificial gender equality defenders have learned that the superior Men they need and prefer don't like and don't accept feminism. This hasn't made them reject feminism, but it has made them use the principles of feminism against inferior men, which is a
[gingersnapfaps] Getting ready for Santa, he has something special for naughty girls. I’m new here, but you don’t have to be gentle. First ever show goes live with 10 subscribes. Come play with me while I learn how to do this!
Women are infinity malleable creatures with no fixed convictions, who adapt to any situation. This little cunt had grown up under the Radical Equality of the Feminist Republic. After the Fall, she quickly learns to accept her new role in life, doing house
Margaret was ecstatic when she landed a management job at a posh 5 star hotel. This was an incredible feat for a woman living under the patriarchy, so why weren't her friends excited? Margaret would learn that her professional responsibility as a woman to
Bully: I fixed your mom's Facebook page. Now it shows how she really is. Your family and friends will learn of your mom's slut nature. It's better this way, the cumslut needs to express herself publicly anyway. She's a good mom isn't she faggot?
I warned you pigs not to betray me. This pig just paid the ultimate price for attempting to assault me. I'm a predator, not prey. Learn from his mistake.
Bully: I fixed your mom's Facebook page. Now it shows how she really is. Your family and friends will learn of your mom's slut nature. It's better this way, the cumslut needs to express herself publicly anyway. She's a good mom isn't she faggot?