tits_mcgee223 here---I got locked out of my Reddit account, I did not register an email address to recover my password and my 73,000+ karma is gone :( But I still have enormous boobs, so let's try this again! ;)
tits_mcgee223 here---I got locked out of my Reddit account, I did not register an email address to recover my password and my 73,000+ karma is gone :( But I still have enormous boobs, so let's try this again! ;)
32M 5'7 380lbs. I'm stressed out at times try to hide it with laughter. I work a lot. No love life. I Feel as No one is not attracted to me. Falling into the forever alone state. My scar is from a herina surgery.
[18 M] 5'6 127 lbs. I've recently gained 10 pounds and I'm not liking my body. I know it's not healthy, but I really want the weight gain I've resorted to severely under eating to try to lose the weight.
When, even though you know nothing about plumbing, you try to fix the shower after your roommate apparently broke it and didn't even care to tell you...
So women try to gain superior men's appreciation and genes by showing them how good they are at submitting (that is, how superior they are at being inferior). women try to gain inferior men's appreciation and money by showing them how good they are at not