So this sex positive feminist does not subscribe to slut-shaming: she's proud of being just an inferior cum dump to the superior Men she needs and prefers. In fact, actually she's not a feminist, that's just what people think
She never forgets what he told her: "if you don't want to lose me, you must be good with me". And she really loves him. He knows the secret of success with women isn't how you behave, if you are what women want.
inferior men think women's role "in the streets" is their real and normal behavior, and what they do "in the sheets" is their exceptional role. It's the other way around: what a woman does in the sheets is her real and normal behavior, and what she does i
So Gents, remember: even if you could get accepted by a woman as an inferior man, *you* don't want to be accepted by a woman as an inferior man, but as a superior, gym man. So it's not simply about what she wants; it's about what *you* want. So one way or