Have you lost something supreme leader? Here you can see FRA soldiers training to use the tanks we recently captured during a raid on an empire military depot.
Disney Princess movies receive a special release in the Empire. Young men and women are exposed to the truth of their roles at a young age, so they more fully accept it when they become adults.
There is Often A Delay With Foreign Broadcasts in the Empire. Sarah Is Doing A Great Job Convincing Me That It Was Worth The Wait For The Superbowl Here.
When I find a new cunt roaming the edges of the empire it is my duty to prepare her for her inevitable future. She will be broken until she willingly submits and craves male cock.
Cunts in the Empire have almost completely replaced alarm clocks. Users have reported a massive upswing of productivity and quality of sleep after switching to Cunt wake ups!
Infiltration. As a high profile institution within the Empire it's inevitable that from time the FRA will try to sneak agents in to Civilisation LLP. It's also inevitable what happens next...