This is how you should look after a blowjob. Forget the dainty little "spit or swallow" debate. I want the "drooling, cum covered, makeup smeared, gasping, facefucked" selection.
You may think getting your ass destroyed is an easy job, but sex is actually work to womyn, that is, something you can do and you do to obtain in return other things you can't achieve on your own. This is why sex workers exist; in fact, sex workers are th
This is why you'll never see a Male supremacy-hating feminist saying she prefers inferior men; they all prefer superior Males. Since women have only 1 dignity to lose, they need to make it the most profitable possible to themselves; so their feminist free
This subreddit has stated many times that feminism isn't a women's movement of hate for men, but a women's movement of hate for inferior men. Here you have a feminist begging and loving to be hated by the superior man her inferiority loves